Approved | Special Proposal to Metis Community: Migrate Data Availability to Ethereum Mainnet

Hi Grace,

Storing the tx data on Ethereum is more secure than storing the data on MemoLabs


The move to Optimistic Rollup by Metis is a strategic one, simplifying architecture for the sequencer pool’s launch and ensuring data availability. This enhances security and opens up opportunities, although it may align transaction costs with other L2 networks temporarily. It showcases Metis’ commitment to community-driven innovation.

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I actually have no question
Just a comment, you know, about a year ago when I read the metis paper I saw something about this sequencer pool, I was wondering when I’m going to hear more about this, now it’s here :grin:
I’m happy everyone can contribute to the sequencer pool
I’ve always known and loved how committed Metis ecosystem has been to decentralization right from the inception
Big ups guys, no matter the implications, Metis is here to stay :heart:
Lovely community by the way

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Hope this migration doesn’t effect on gas prices, otherwise i will support this proposal.

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I totally I’m in support of the conversion to the optimistic rollup
In my Opinion we have a lot to gain looking at the Advantage over the Disadvantage against the other.

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Love What you are doing Sir!

I’m with you,

Keep building

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Great feedback and insight. Appreciate the thoughtfulness of your questions. As another fellow community member I think the modular solution is definitely something that should be looked at down the road. However, for this urgent next step of launching the d-sequencer pool, moving DA back to Ethereum is the simplest and securest way as of now while also keeping in line with Ethereum principles.

Great point about remaining above the rest of the other L2s in terms of fees. However, having the lowest fees of all L2s has not necessarily converted to highest volume, TVL, or builder recruitment of all L2s. Unless the fee hike caused by converting back to an OR made Metis gas fees higher than other L2s I wouldn’t be worried. But since Metis fees will still be on par with other L2s, I don’t think the fee hike will negatively impact the progress Metis has been making in business development and builder recruitment. Remember, the $5 million DeFi incentive campaign has just begun. This will keep Metis the talk of the town for the time being.

Those are just my thoughts but I appreciate this dialogue!

With the current $5 million DeFi incentives campaign, I feel certain the small fee hike caused by reverting back to an OR will not negatively impact Metis ecosystem development or volume, TVL, & user acquisition + retainment.

As an urgent next step to increase the security of Metis L2 to the highest standard of all L2s & enable single side staking of the Metis governance token, I think this is the right move - to move DA back to Ethereum until the d-sequencer pool is activated.

Security & decentralization must come first. The DeFi incentives campaign will attain & retain users. Metis will once again lead the pack in innovation.

Down the line other options for DA could be considered, such as a modular stack or Smart L2. As for now, moving DA to Ethereum seems most appropriate.

I vote yes.:slight_smile: thanks

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Hi Black322,

Our vision is to support the Web-3 economy, a secure, high efficient and decentralized Layer2 network is the foundation. And the DA migration and D-Sequ online serves that purpose.

Hi Carolyn,

Our vision is to support the web3 economy, a secure, high efficient and decentralized Layer2 network is the foundation. And the DA migration and D-Sequ online serves that purpose.

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keep moving, I vote for it

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the METIS converting must be something to do so YES

I support Metis team also yes

As long as gas stays low, i like

I too have concerns with transaction fees and the strategy to maintain reasonable fees. How will this be achieved and maintained moving forward?

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I vote YES to METIS, yes dear!