CVP Proposal: Gamma

“Bringing concentrated liquidity management to Metis”, I love this
Welcome to metis ecosystem in advance
But then I have a question :thinking:
“GammaChef” rewarder platform, where can I find more info about this ?
Any resource online? Or I get a formal explanation here?

Warm welcome Gamma to the Metis ecosystem!
What plans do you have in place to manage liquidity pools correctly as stated.

I’m bullish on Metis, let’s keep building


A nice welcome to the Metis Ecosystem Gamma
I really Love what you’ve built and still intend to build on the Metis Ecosystem.
But then I Would love to know if there would be a distinct feature for coming into the Metis Ecosystem
Knowing fully well that Metis is a community

Gamma’s move into the Metis ecosystem is a significant step towards enhancing liquidity management in DeFi. With its impressive track record, security measures, and commitment to efficiency, Gamma’s presence on Metis is bound to create exciting opportunities for the community. By introducing concentrated liquidity management to Metis, Gamma is leveling the playing field and opening doors for innovative partnerships. It’s a promising development that aligns perfectly with Metis’ vision for a thriving DeFi ecosystem.

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A warm welcome into the Metis Ecosystem!

How many pairs will go live on GAMMA related to Metis Andromeda!

Most likely 4 of our core pools:

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The distinct feature would be added to Hercules as the integration would happen directly on the Dex.
This will reduce clAMM complexities, especially in terms on liquidity management for users,

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What is the potential income range that users can earn through gameplay in Metaverser compared to other popular metaverses?

You mentioned multiple audits and security measures. Could you provide more details about the security measures in place to protect users’ assets?

Thanks for your question @blesily6688

We usually deploy a backend suite of contracts, subgraphs, and other support items. Then we deploy a frontend suite on our dapp that includes a UI, analytics, and calculations.

Through quality management, and approaching IL as a realistic thing, rather than something that can be completely erased.

Gamma’s vaults allow users to deposit liquidity into supported liquidity pools in a non-custodial manner and utilize proper strategies ."

Is there any incentives also for users to deposit liquidity into pools ?


We plan to start infrastructure development and integration right away.

Not sure if that applies to Gamma

Security Portal

Gamma has major audits from Arbitrary Execution and ConsenSys Diligence. As mentioned previously, our hedging strategies will be audited by OpenZeppelin. We also have safeguards like deposit caps, TWAP checks, and other on-chain security features.

Yes, they’ll likely be incentives