Andromeda Toadz - NFT Collection on Metis


Leaping Across the Universe
Andromeda Toadz are small amphibious creatures that once called the Ethereum mainnet their home, but were forced to flee constantly increasing gas fees and network congestion and find a new home somewhere more chill.

They landed on the L2 planet of Andromeda and have set up Andromeda Station as their new home, where they can trade for pennies in gas fees and stretch out their legs in the wide open space again. Hop on over and join the party with the Toadz.

6,969 NFTs // ERC-721

Mint price

  • 0.69 METIS
  • 0.55 METIS (mint 5-9)
  • 0.420 METIS (mint 10+)

Your Mint Includes:

This is not your average toad. When you mint Andromeda Toadz, you’re not only getting a killer PFP NFT—you’re getting a total of three NFTs and exclusive access to the Andromeda Station ecosystem.

Mint your Andromeda Toadz and get them delivered to your wallet immediately. The more you mint, the more benefits you’ll receive. More Toadz = more whitelist spots, more airdropped tokens, more giveaway opportunities, and much more to come.

All Andromeda Toadz holders will be airdropped the exclusive, original PFP NFT collection Frog Frens in April for free. There will be 6969 NFTs minted and NONE for sale. These NFTs will have a special utility in the Andromeda Station ecosystem.

All Andromeda Toadz holders will be airdropped one Andromeda Ticket NFT in April. Your ticket will give you exclusive whitelist opportunities when Andromeda Station, our launchpad, goes live. You’ll also be entered in our monthly giveaways.

:globe_with_meridians: Official Links :globe_with_meridians:

AToadz Website -
AToadz Twitter -