CVP Proposal: Atlantis Loans: Cross Chain Open Source Isolated Lending Protocol

About Atlantis Loans

Atlantis Loans is a decentralized open source DeFi protocol that enables users to borrow and supply digital assets within a non-custodial environment.

Our specialty is bringing the best lending tools and experience to our users across many different chains.
Atlantis UI also integrates other lending protocols like Compound and Venus. This way users can safely interact with other protocols directly from the Atlantis UI.


:white_check_mark: Traditional Lending (not yet implemented on Metis Network)
:white_check_mark: Isolated Lending
:white_check_mark: Ability to easily short or long any isolated pair
:white_check_mark: Realtime notification service for monitoring user portfolio (not yet implemented on Metis Network)
:white_check_mark: Integrated different lending protocols into Atlantis UI
:white_check_mark: Integrated Liquidation UI (everyone can participate in liquidations)
:white_check_mark: Governance (DAO)

:arrow_right: Read Docs:
:arrow_right: Web:
:arrow_right: Whitepaper:
:arrow_right: Telegram:
:arrow_right: Audit: Peckshield

Currently Atlantis is active on the following chains: BNB Chain, Polygon, Avalanche and Metis Network.

Our first product on Metis Network will be the Isolated Lending. This will give users the ability to easily supply, borrow, long and short many crypto assets. In the very near future we also plan to integrate flash loans and one-click leverage trading.

Why Atlantis Loans?

We bring professional and easy to use tools to our users. We are not after unsustainable high APY but focus more on making crypto lending accessible for anyone. There is still a long way to go until crypto becomes mainstream and we are here to help the entire ecosystem grow together.

We strongly believe as crypto becomes mainstream, the demand for professional lending platforms will increase as well. This is where we want to work towards and become one of the important players in the lending ecosystem.

Atlantis Token (ATL)

The Atlantis Protocol is governed and rewarded by its native cryptocurrency called Atlantis
Token (ATL). ATL enables users to create and vote on proposals, to participate in
liquidity mining incentives on the platform. With Atlantis, there will be a max supply of 6,500,000 ATL tokens to ever exist. (currently around 2 million is in circulation)

ATL is also used in many other areas of the platform. One area is the real-time notification service where users will need to stake ATL to be able to use the service. The other area will be the ability for anyone to create any isolated lending pairs by burning ATL.

Even though governance is the main utility of ATL, we still plan to add more functions to our platform where ATL will have an important role as a utility token.

Note: Currently ATL does not have any utility in Metis as we are first working on bridging ATL from BNB chain to Metis Network. When the bridge is ready and all test cases are green, we will start rolling out the governance and other lending features.