CVP Proposal: Blocklive | Live Events on Metis

Introduction Value

Blocklive is a platform for end-to-end onchain event management and ticketing. We embrace proof of history as a way for organizers to target and reward fans. We want to create the most powerful decentralized graph of real world human interaction.

Value Proposition

On-chain tickets, as facilitated by Blocklive, unlock capabilities far beyond the reach of traditional web2 platforms. They provide a permissionless, immutable record of a user’s engagement with events, creating a digital footprint of their real-world interactions. This not only enriches the user’s experience within our platform but also opens up expansive possibilities for engagement and personalization beyond it. Imagine a world where attending an event leaves a mark that could later tailor experiences, offers, and interactions in entirely new ways.

This transformation extends to artists and event organizers as well, who can leverage this data to forge deeper connections and understandings with their communities. The granularity and authenticity of onchain attendance records promise to redefine how relationships between creators and their audiences are built.

Blocklive’s approach turns each ticket into a composable building block for the broader ecosystem. Without needing direct coordination, a merchandise vendor could verify event attendance to offer exclusive products, or a game developer could reward players based on their real-world engagement. This seamless interoperability, powered by onchain data, paves the way for new ways to integrate between applications, setting a new standard for how we interact with the real and digital worlds.

Blocklive isn’t just introducing a new way to ticket events - it’s unlocking a paradigm shift in how we record, interact with, and derive value from our real-world experiences through the power of blockchain.

Uniqueness Factor

Despite numerous attempts to revolutionize on-chain ticketing, success has remained elusive—until now. Blocklive stands apart by achieving what others couldn’t: merging the high-quality experience event organizers and attendees demand with the innovative use of blockchain for ticketing. This combination has long been sought in the blockchain community but has yet to be realized, until Blocklive.

Blocklive is the only platform that allows event attendees to RSVP or purchase tickets with a frictionless web2 flow, while behind the scenes, creating wallets and executing onchain transactions to airdrop tickets to users. We get the best of web2 and web3 and a mechanism to onboard millions of event attendees onchian.

Benefits for Users

Blocklive revolutionizes the event experience for two primary stakeholders: the attendees and the organizers.

Attendees of conventional ticketing services like Ticketmaster or Eventbrite experience events as fleeting moments. Once the event concludes, the only remnants are receipts or QR codes buried in email inboxes. Blocklive transforms these ephemeral tokens into lasting digital assets, converting what was once a simple email receipt into a permanent, brag-worthy record on the blockchain. More significant than the prestige of collecting these records is the opportunity for attendees to earn rewards based on their participation. This system enables access to future benefits and experiences that were previously inaccessible, enriching the event-going journey beyond the physical attendance of events.

For event organizers, the traditional toolkit for audience engagement has been decidedly narrow, often limited to generic email communications to past event attendees. Blocklive’s on-chain capabilities revolutionize this dynamic, introducing the concept of on-chain retargeting. This allows organizers to recognize and reward attendees based on their verified, blockchain-stored event histories. Such granularity in targeting and rewarding offers a new depth to the organizer-attendee relationship, enabling personalized and meaningful connections that extend far beyond the event itself.

Benefits for Metis Ecosystem

The Metis ecosystem benefits through a new composable building block that is now accessible to all users and builders. Users will now have a record on Metis of their event attendance. Each event is a deployed contract onto Metis. Each attendee is a new wallet and on chain transaction with a ticket either minted directly or airdropped into the user’s wallet. This brings more volume and value directly to the Metis chain. It also offers an opportunity to price tickets in METIS or other ERC20 tokens on Metis, meaning users need to bridge more assets onto the chain. They also may lock more liquidity to make it convenient to access future events.


Overall, it is inevitable that much of the web2 world moves onchain. We hope to lead the charge for bringing live entertainment onchain and onto Metis. The specific value Blocklive brings to Metis lies in its ability to transform event attendance into a verifiable, on-chain record. This integration enhances user engagement by making each event participation a part of the user’s digital identity on the blockchain. By deploying events as smart contracts on Metis, we’re not just increasing the blockchain’s transaction volume; we’re also diversifying its use cases and proving its capacity to support complex, real-world applications.

Official Links: Website, Docs, Audits, etc.

Blocklive homepage:
Warpcast: Warpcast
Blog: Blocklive
Docs: What is Blocklive? | Blocklive

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  1. With the introduction of on-chain ticketing through Blocklive, how do you foresee the balance between user privacy and the enhanced personalization and engagement opportunities derived from blockchain-stored event histories, especially considering potential concerns regarding data security and ownership?

  2. Given the intricate integration of web2 and web3 mechanisms within Blocklive’s ticketing flow, how does the platform ensure seamless interoperability while maintaining the integrity and security of on-chain transactions, particularly in scenarios where millions of event attendees are onboarded on-chain?

  3. As Blocklive aims to establish a paradigm shift in recording, interacting with, and deriving value from real-world experiences through blockchain, what challenges do you anticipate in achieving widespread adoption and acceptance of on-chain ticketing, both within the live entertainment industry and the broader blockchain ecosystem and how do you plan to mitigate this challenges?

Thanks for the question! Answers below -

  1. With the introduction of on-chain ticketing through Blocklive, how do you foresee the balance between user privacy and the enhanced personalization and engagement opportunities derived from blockchain-stored event histories, especially considering potential concerns regarding data security and ownership?

Currently, we retain only the information absolutely necessary to link a wallet to an event on-chain, which typically involves an NFT in a wallet. We do not store any private user data on the blockchain, such as survey responses, email information, or credit card details. In the future, we plan to expand significantly in this area. We aim to give users the ability to manage their data—potentially encrypted and stored either on-chain or in another type of decentralized storage. This would provide a great opportunity for attendees to monetize their own data as they see fit. For now, however, this data is securely stored, and only shared with event organizers as necessary when attendees explicitly provide that information for specific events.

  1. Given the intricate integration of web2 and web3 mechanisms within Blocklive’s ticketing flow, how does the platform ensure seamless interoperability while maintaining the integrity and security of on-chain transactions, particularly in scenarios where millions of event attendees are onboarded on-chain?

This varies between our self-custody and custodial flows. In our self-custody flow, security is derived from the robust infrastructure provided by Ethereum and its associated tools, such as MetaMask and node providers. We enable users to purchase or claim tickets entirely on-chain, from start to finish.

For users who prefer not to manage a self-custody wallet, we offer a custodial service. In this scenario, we ensure security by hosting and encrypting a wallet for the user. They can transfer any tickets from their hosted wallet at any time, similar to how platforms like Coinbase operate. Coinbase manages the wallet on behalf of the user, enabling them to purchase and own cryptocurrency using just their email login and linked bank account. This approach allows for seamless interoperability while maintaining the integrity and security of on-chain transactions, even as millions of event attendees are onboarded onto the chain.

  1. As Blocklive aims to establish a paradigm shift in recording, interacting with, and deriving value from real-world experiences through blockchain, what challenges do you anticipate in achieving widespread adoption and acceptance of on-chain ticketing, both within the live entertainment industry and the broader blockchain ecosystem and how do you plan to mitigate this challenges?

The biggest challenge we’ve encountered, and anticipate will continue, revolves around educating users about new behaviors and the nuances of digital ownership. Tickets, under this new model, are assets that users own and can transfer beyond the initial platform. This marks a significant shift from traditional models where companies like Google, Facebook, or Ticketmaster retained control over user data, confining users to their platforms.

Now, we introduce a mechanism that allows various platforms to interact with a user’s history. Even if we’re not fans of Ticketmaster, in the future, they might offer discounts to users who have attended a Blocklive event. This is possible because the event history is exposed and can be composed with, without needing permission from the original platform. This composable nature of digital assets represents a radical shift, promoting a more open and interconnected ecosystem.

We believe that exceptional user experience (UX) is key to overcoming the adoption challenge. While education on the benefits of our platform is important and will be pursued, the primary goal is to enable users to effortlessly engage with the platform. We aim to eliminate friction points associated with traditional blockchain interactions, such as wallet setup or private key management. Instead, we’ll focus on providing intuitive visualizations of onchain history and clearly outline future benefits of onchain tickets. We implement simple one-click interactions for essential actions such as RSVPs, making purchases with Apple Pay, or checking in at event doors. Web3 UX cannot compromise, we must make it even better than the corresponding web2 interfaces.