CVP Proposal: BoringDAO: Cross Chain Asset Bridge

BoringDAO is a DAO-driven cross-chain service provider for every crypto asset.
A decentralized and permissionless solution to provide everyone with a safe, seamless and cost efficient experience for pegged tokens wrapping and assets transfers.

BoringDAO has connected to Metis Network since the very first days when Metis met the world. To benefit as many Metis users as possible, BoringDAO has partnered up with a large number of projects in the Metis ecosystem. Moreover, the cross chain fee has been modified specifically for Metis network to almost 0 cost to encourage more users to come.

Audit reports: 5 audit reports in the past year and half can be found here
Code Audit Reports - BoringDAO🌀

The Roadmap

BORING Distribution
$BORING Maximum Supply: 2,000,000,000 (fixed)

  • 30% for Mint Mining: $BORING is mined with native crypto asset minting fee and rewarded to those who participate in minting.
  • 30% for Boring Farm: $BORING is generated with Ethereum blocks and rewarded to those who participate in oToken & BOR liquidity & pledge farming.
  • 19% for infrastructure: 1% for initial $BORING liquidity; 3% for initial BTC Tunnel pledge; 15% reserved;
  • 11% for early contributors: 10% for private round; 1% for public round.
  • 10% for core developers: linear daily unlocking in 24 months
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Congratulations for passing the CEG program!