CVP Proposal: Chainstarters - Add Web3 to your Business Without Hiring Any New Developers!

Chainstarters has built the first no-code platform that makes it easy for anyone to build on web3. Watch our video here!

The Problem
Companies know innovation is essential to stay relevant, but they don’t know where to begin. They lack the knowledge and talent to implement web3 solutions in meaningful ways.

The Solution
With Chainstarters, companies can build web3 applications without hiring any new developers. And in minutes, not months. Simply sign up, choose your blockchain, customize your template, and publish. Another one of our popular features allows users to easily mint and manage NFTs.

Why Now?
We all saw the headlines in 2021 about web3, crypto and NFTs, but blockchain technology is still in its nascent stage. We’re seeing how big brands, like Nike, can use NFTs to create excitement among its consumer base in innovative ways. But leveraging blockchain still very difficult and complicated. Web3 represents a major transformation in the way the world connects, engages and does business. A no-code solution like Chainstarters will help it go mainstream.

Pitch Deck

LinkedIn: Chainstarters | LinkedIn

I like the vision of being able to start your own web3 applications without the need for developers. This is great for Metis as they begin to focus their attention more on bringing web2 and real world companies to this space and this is something definitely in need.

I wanted to try it out of course, but something that did not sit well with me is having to put my credit card info for a free trial and then getting this message:

Due to high demand, there are currently no available projects. You have been added to a wait list and will be notified when you can sign up. We apologize for the inconvenience and we thank you for understanding!

It felt that this was extremely unprofessional and I felt cheated and like I got lead on to submit my credit card info. Especially if you guys felt that your product was ready and submitted a CVP proposal.

For the 95% that has voted YES on the snapshot proposal, this is a shame. If web3 is just about brainlessly voting in hopes of future airdrops we are NGMI

Can the community do something?