CVP Proposal: MetaFi ecosystem that simplifies the use of DeFi products

We are choise! We want to expand the earning possibilities for our users and make an integration with Metis Ecosystem.

What is Choise?

:zap: MetaFi (CeFi/DeFi) ecosystem

Choise is the world’s first MetaFi ecosystem that simplifies the use of DeFi products, making the process easy, reliable, and fool-proof.

The DeFi CHO token will open up DeFi to over 100M CeFi users :earth_americas:

Choise is introduced by #Crypterium — a leading CeFi crypto-banking App:

:receipt: Licensed in Estonia
:classical_building: Crypto registration in the UK
:two_men_holding_hands: 650K registered users from more than 170 countries
:handshake: 35+ whitelabel business users
:repeat: Over €350M in transactions, which includes buying, spending (via own branded Visa cards), loans, savings and many more products
:point_right: All of this was achieved over the last 4 years with a simplified service and fair pricing.

With Choise, customers will be able to SWITCH between DeFi and CeFi :sunglasses:
:star_struck: With no extra hassles
:star_struck: Without risk
:star_struck: At a fraction of today’s costs.


What is Choise universe?

What is Charism?

Charism protocol is a core building block of the Choise DeFi infrastructure and a unique financial permission-less development platform enabling users to easily buy, store and exchange crypto, get crypto loans, yield farm and so much more — and all that through a super friendly User Experience.

Staking and Yield farming aggregator

Transaction builder

DeFi Derivative Product

  • CHO-based mechanics to bring CeFi to DeFi
  • Market exposure without holding underlying assets
  • Exploring sophisticated trading strategies
  • Insurance products
  • First DeFi-based risk management system

DeFi Launchpad

  • Token launch platform that provides regular investors with opportunities that were previously available only to venture capitalists and other large-scale investors
  • Full-fledged decentralized service to launch new tokens and manage unlocks

Non-custodial multi-chain wallet

  • Eliminates third parties between user and his crypto. Only user has full control over his funds
  • Multi-chain support allows user to keep more than one crypto asset (Ethereum, Solana, Tron, BSC, eth)
  • Includes a built-in Web3 browser that allows user to explore DApps seamlessly and safely
  • With our wallet, user can earn interest on his crypto, play blockchain games and access the latest DApps, DeFi platforms (Staking, Farming) and NFT
  • It’s easy to use even for beginners and allows them to get full support from the Choise team

It is easier to have a single entrance with a single balance, easy cross-chain swaps & all-in-one access to multiple blockсhains

DEX aggregator

  • Best prices with no additional fees
  • Low slippage
  • High liquidity / aggregated DEX order books

What is CHO token?

CHO tokenomics is based on best practices from the industry and our expertise of running a 4+ yo crypto venture.

CHO tokenomics is driven by retokenization around a new vision and approaches that led some projects to multi-billion market capitalizations. Sounds good? A thoughtful lockup mechanics and limited circulating supply will make it even better.

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Hi Choise,

Can you give an example of how users can take advantage of both CeFi and DeFi through your protocol?

Secondly, can you say more about the rebranding of Choise from Crypterium?

Thank you.


Hi Choise!

Since you combine DeFi and CeFi, do you also offer perpetual trading?



  1. How does Choise enable customers to switch between DeFi and CeFi without extra hassles, risk, and at a fraction of today’s costs?
  2. What makes Choise’s DEX aggregator unique compared to other platforms, and how does it provide the best prices with no additional fees and low slippage?


  1. Where can I see the €350M volume you’re talking about?
  2. does not provide services to citizens of the Russian Federation, non-EU residents”
    but you’re saying “650K registered users from more than 170 countries” something wrong here, I’m sure there are not 170 countries in the EU
  3. What volumes do you expect from working with Metis?
  4. Why do you use bots in the comments? you have a large community
  5. Are there any plans to make the interface more user-friendly, easy-to-use?

Tell us more about your locking mechanics. What is the incentive for long-term blocking?

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Hi :saluting_face:. Interesting protocol

I wanted to ask if you currently have any plans to implement Charism with Metis Defi protocols like Hummus, Hera Aggregator, and others.


1 Like (previously Crypterium) is well elaborated Russia based scam run by criminals Gorbunovs (father and son) and Kimm (their british liaison) who stole $52M+ of Crypterium ICO funds back in 2018 and delivered nothing but lies, 99% losses to all ICO contributors (their CRPT scamtoken is long time dead now) and expensive lifestyle for themselves. All stolen funds went into Gorbunov jr. private pockets. These crooks fcked up with all Crypterium ICO contributors, all Seedrs investors, N26 bank, literally everyone and they also steal users’ funds left and right.

All numbers they present are unreal and nothing but fake and lies.


  1. Nowhere. Those numbers are pure fake.
  2. They are far away from having 650k registered users. This is again nothing but a huge lie. Their “app” is a non-functional joke, a high school project.
  3. They expect nothing but another moneygrab and stealery
  4. They use bots since day 1 to pretend they have a successful product. They use bots on Twitter, Reddit, Telegram and Trustpilot (for fake positive feedbacks)
  5. No. They have no developers, they just spent few hundred thousands ($300k) for creating a pathetic non-working app from which users cannot withdraw any funds and users’ accounts are being blocked left and right.
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that’s what I thought when I saw their app

Of course.
Simplicity has always been a crucial component of Crypterium’s strategy, and we have executed this strategy well in the past five years. However, we have now decided to take our strategy to the next level by focusing on earning instruments and expanding into the DeFi space. As part of this expansion, we have rebranded our project as, which encompasses both CeFi and DeFi tools. Our DeFi platform, Charism, deserves special attention. While our users still use Crypterium cards, now represents a broader concept than just Crypterium.

Some of the most popular CeFi and DeFi services in our ecosystem:

  • interest accounts and staking (fixed and flexible, dual currency in the App, nft interest accounts, staking)

  • crypto insurance (you can buy btc or eth with insurance and if in a while the price of your asset will drop, you will be paid a difference. so, you will not lose money even if the market goes down)

  • AI price predictions (a great instrument for daily crypto traders)

  • BitDriven index token (special coin selection technique + permanent automatic rebalancing = outstanding strategy results)

  • VISA card for easy cashing out and spending crypto on the go

  • DEX aggregator and swap (enables traders to exchange cryptocurrencies at low rates)

  • Bridges between 10 chains: binance, avalanche, polygon, ethereum, arbitrum, fantom, gnosis

  • Entering LPs in two clicks without the hassle of using several platforms and exchanges

  • and many more services in both CeFi and DeFi spheres.

We don’t offer perpetual trading and it is not in our plans right now.
Our application provides a seamless process for exchanging one coin or token for another without incurring any blockchain fees.

Our primary focus is on developing tools that enable all users, regardless of their level of expertise in the field of cryptocurrency, to generate profits in the most straightforward and hands-off manner possible, for example, such as interest accounts or crypto insurance

While our APY may not be the highest in the market, we believe that our trading strategies are among the safest for assets. In the event of unfavorable market conditions, we strive to protect the initially invested funds. Throughout the company’s history, we have consistently fulfilled our promises and have never failed to pay the expected percentage or partially delivered on our commitments.

Charism’s staking and yield farming aggregator makes it easy to manage your investments across multiple DeFi protocols by giving you a single point of access to the entire DeFi space. This eliminates the need to keep track of multiple accounts and user dashboards.

With Swap, you can easily exchange your tokens for other tokens on the same blockchain.

The Bridge provides a simple way to transfer your tokens from one blockchain to another without any difficulties.

You no longer need to switch between different blockchains and interfaces. With a unified interface for all protocols and blockchains, everything is in one place.

Recently, we’ve reached a significant milestone of 1 million users. App is available in 170+ countries, not only EU ones, the list of restricted countries is really short: Support page | Still, we should admit that some services are not available for users in specific countries (for ex, here’s the list of countries that can order our VISA card Support page | and these limits are given by our card provider).
Also, don’t forget that we have a number of Defi products, with thousands of wallets connected already. Wallets from anywhere in the world)

About volumes we are expecting from working with Metis:
We have added the Metis network to our earn aggregator, and we already have a working transaction builder that helps to enter earn aggregator pools with just one transaction instead of two. We plan to expand the use of the transaction builder to the Metis network as well, and we expect Metis to become one of the top 5 most popular networks on our DeFi platform.We will enter the Metis aggregators market and plan to capture 5-10% of the Metis volumes. That is, 5-10% of the pools of Earn projects on Metis (like Beefy, Hermes and others).

About bots in the comments:
Utilizing bots in comments serves a purpose in automating repetitive duties such as answering frequently asked questions, which can significantly reduce the workload of community managers who would otherwise need to handle each comment manually. Additionally, bots are useful in moderating comments by flagging spam or inappropriate content. This is especially critical in larger communities where the number of comments can overwhelm human moderators.

Our community’s continuous development and growth efforts are directed towards preserving an engaging, positive, and interactive atmosphere.

About plans to make interface more user-friendly:
We aim to make our interface as simple and user-friendly as possible and we would be happy to consider any suggestions you may have. We highly value your opinion, and you are welcome to share your ideas with us in our community ttps://


We are sorry to hear that you have such a negative opinion. However, we must respectfully disagree with your claims. We can assure you that all of our user numbers are accurate and verifiable. We are proud to have reached a significant milestone of 1 000 000 users, which is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team.

Regarding your accusations of using bots and fake positive feedback, we can state categorically that all of our user feedback is genuine and comes from real users who have experienced our services firsthand.

We take the issues you have raised about our app very seriously. We are constantly working to improve and provide the best possible experience for our users. We have a dedicated team that is working tirelessly to resolve any issues that our users may encounter.

We understand that there may have been some issues, but we can assure you that we are committed to providing a safe and secure platform for our users. If you have any specific concerns or issues, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team, and we will do everything in our power to resolve them.

Thank you for your feedback, and we hope that we can continue to earn your trust and provide a valuable service to you in the future.

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To clarify, we would like to state that the accusations against our company are completely false. We kindly request that you refrain from spreading any misinformation about Our company is a legitimate entity with a number of financial EU licenses and is subject to regular audits. Our project is valuable and useful, and we maintain complete transparency at all times.

Thank you, it`s nice to hear that.
While I cannot confirm that this task is currently of high priority, I can assure you that it is on our agenda.

We would be happy to clarify which products you are inquiring about. If your question is related to NTO, we would like to inform you that each Choby holds 1000 CHO tokens, with varying lock-up and vesting periods that differ among different Chobies. While some Chobies follow a standard lock-up and vesting period, others have less or no lock-up or vesting periods at all. Choby holders are eligible to receive full token unlock after a specific period of time, which presents an excellent opportunity to acquire valuable tokens at a much lower price than their current market value. At present, the CHO token is trading between $0.55-0.90, while in Choby, the token price is between $0.15-0.25. These conditions are almost as favorable as those offered during the IDO, and it is unlikely that such an opportunity will arise again.