CVP Proposal: Choise - MetaFi ecosystem that simplifies the use of DeFi product

We are choise! We want to expand the earning possibilities for our users and make an integration with Metis Ecosystem.

What is Choise?

:zap: MetaFi (CeFi/DeFi) ecosystem

Choise is the world’s first MetaFi ecosystem that simplifies the use of DeFi products, making the process easy, reliable, and foolproof.

The DeFi CHO token will open up DeFi to over 100M CeFi users :earth_americas:

Choise is introduced by #Crypterium — a leading CeFi crypto-banking App:

:receipt: Licensed in Estonia
:classical_building: Crypto registration in the UK
:two_men_holding_hands: 650K registered users from more than 170 countries
:handshake: 35+ white-label business users
:repeat: Over €350M in transactions, which includes buying, spending (via own branded Visa cards), loans, savings, and many more products
:point_right: All of this was achieved over the last 4 years with a simplified service and fair pricing.

With Choise, customers will be able to SWITCH between DeFi and CeFi :sunglasses:
:star_struck: With no extra hassles
:star_struck: Without risk
:star_struck: At a fraction of today’s costs.


What is Choise universe?

What is Charism?

Charism protocol is a core building block of the Choise DeFi infrastructure and a unique financial permission-less development platform enabling users to easily buy, store and exchange crypto, get crypto loans, yield farm, and so much more through a super friendly User Experience.

Staking and Yield farming aggregator

Transaction builder

DeFi Derivative Product

  • CHO-based mechanics to bring CeFi to DeFi
  • Market exposure without holding underlying assets
  • Exploring sophisticated trading strategies
  • Insurance products
  • First DeFi-based risk management system

DeFi Launchpad

  • Token launch platform that provides regular investors with opportunities that were previously available only to venture capitalists and other large-scale investors
  • Full-fledged decentralized service to launch new tokens and manage unlocks

Non-custodial multi-chain wallet

  • Eliminates third parties between the user and his crypto. Only the user has full control over his funds
  • Multi-chain support allows users to keep more than one crypto asset (Ethereum, Solana, Tron, BSC, etc.)
  • Includes a built-in Web3 browser that allows users to explore DApps seamlessly and safely
  • With our wallet, users can earn interest on their crypto, play blockchain games and access the latest DApps, DeFi platforms (Staking, Farming) and NFT
  • It’s easy to use, even for beginners, and allows them to get full support from the Choise team

It is easier to have a single entrance with a single balance, easy cross-chain swaps & all-in-one access to multiple blockсh ains

DEX aggregator

  • Best prices with no additional fees
  • Low slippage
  • High liquidity / aggregated DEX order books

What is CHO token?

CHO tokenomics is based on best practices from the industry and our expertise in running a 4+ yo crypto venture.

CHO tokenomics is driven by retokenization around a new vision and approaches that led some projects to multi-billion market capitalizations. Sounds good? A thoughtful lockup mechanics and limited circulating supply will make it even better.

Charism protocol is a core building block of the DeFi infrastructure and a unique financial permission-less development platform enabling users to easily buy, store and exchange crypto, get crypto loans, yield farm and so much more — and all that through a super friendly User Experience.

Now we are happy to announce that our earn aggregator is available on Metis also!