CVP Proposal: Cookbook

Cookbook Community Verification Proposal

Cookbook: the cookbook for no-code dApp development

  1. Video Description

  2. Video Description: Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom

  3. Demo:

  4. Written Description of the Tech Utility and Features

  5. Cookbook Tech Utilities and Features

  6. Unique Value Proposition

Cookbook provides a single location for any builder to ship a project from beginning to end. From sourcing smart contracts, to building out the dApps. Newcomers to blockchain can get their project off the ground. For the first time, a user can launch a DAO, NFT project, or token without any coding knowledge, or technical expertise in their team. This enables an entirely new generation of entrepreneurs to build a business in Web3. No longer are the financial barriers of staffing out a web3 development team a barrier to entry in building out a project. This is enabled by…

  1. Smart Contract Library

  2. The goal of the smart contract library is act as a single location where anybody can source the smart contracts they need for a project build.

  3. All Smart Contracts can be deployed from a simple user interface

  4. The Cookbook team has populated the library with over a dozen of the most interacted with smart contract types to launch the platform

  5. The Cookbook team is currently adding dozens more, enabling them to be dynamically deployable from a user interface

  6. A user-generated-content solution which enables users and smart contract developers to upload and template-ify their own smart contracts will be live by October

  7. Smart Contract Management Interface

  8. The smart contract management interface enables easy interaction with Metis smart contract

  9. Users can read and write directly to the smart contract from a user interface

  10. This is incredibly valuable as there is currently no easy way for a user to write to interact with a Metis smart contract

  11. No-Code Embeds

  12. Once a contract is deployed, Cookbook allows the user to copy no-code embeds that enables full dApps to be built out using any other no-code front-end development platform such as Webflow, Shopify, or Squarespace.

  13. This final piece of the puzzle enables full front-to-back dApp development without the need for technical expertise

  14. This will enable millions of users to become entrepreneurs, and build their own dApps on Metis

  15. Whitepaper

  16. Cookbook - Whitepaper - Google Docs

  17. Roadmap

August 2022 - DONE:

  • Public beta launch
  • Multichain support
  • 10 contracts supported for deployment

  • Smart contract management interface
  • Embeds available upon request

September 2022:

  • Metis fully integrated
  • 30+ smart contracts supported
  • Simplified deployment flow
  • Embeds available in public beta

October 2022:

  • User generated content integrated through smart contract uploading
  • 100+ smart contracts supported
  • Tagging system implemented, with smart contract easy-sorting and easy-searching
  • Build-a-DAO and build-a-NFT system streamlined
  • Metis + Cookbook workshops hosted

Q4 2022:

  • No-wallet solution integrated for projects to host platforms with custodial wallets

Q1 2023:

  • Launch of full Cookbook platform, exit of public beta
  • Hundreds of smart contracts supported, improved tagging and searching system
  1. Website


  3. Social Media

  4. Twitter:

  5. Discord: Discord

  6. Medium: Medium

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Congratulations for passing the CEG program!