CVP Proposal: CS2 Market - On Chain CS2 Items

Integrating CS:GO Items on the Metis Blockchain


This whitepaper explores the potential of integrating Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) items on the Metis blockchain. We discuss the advantages of using blockchain technology for gaming assets, including enhanced ownership, verifiable scarcity, seamless trading, and the foundation for interoperable in-game economies. The focus is on how Metis’s layer 2 solution on Ethereum provides the scalability, low costs, and developer-friendly environment necessary for successful implementation.


  • The CS:GO Phenomenon: The immense popularity of CS:GO and its vast in-game item marketplace has led to 2 billion dollars worth of rare skins.
  • Limitations of Traditional Systems: Centralized gaming marketplaces include lack of true ownership, unreasonable fees, vulnerability to fraud, limited trading options, and the potential for platform shutdown.
  • Blockchain Solutions: Introduce the core advantages of blockchain technology in the context of gaming:
    • Provable Ownership: Immutable records establish true ownership of digital assets.
    • Verifiable Scarcity: Tokenization ensures genuine rarity and value for in-game items
    • Trustless Trading: Decentralized marketplaces for secure, peer-to-peer exchange.
    • Potential for Interoperability: The basis for cross-game asset utilization in evolving metaverses.

Why Metis?

  • Scalability: Metis’s layer 2 solution addresses the high transaction throughput and speed necessary for a thriving gaming marketplace. Emphasize how this combats the issue of network congestion common on some blockchains.
  • Low Costs: Transaction costs on Metis are significantly lower than on Ethereum’s mainnet, crucial for frequent item trading and minimizing friction for users.
  • Ease of Development: Metis’s compatibility with Ethereum’s development stack (Solidity, etc.) minimizes onboarding challenges for developers and encourages the creation of marketplaces and dApps.
  • Focus on Optimistic Rollups: Explain the security and efficiency benefits that come with the Optimistic Rollup architecture used by Metis.

Technical Integration

  • Token Standards: Propose the utilization of non-fungible token standards (e.g., ERC-721 or ERC-1155) to represent individual CS:GO items. Discuss how metadata can be used to store unique attributes (skins, wear level, StatTrak, etc.).
  • Marketplaces and dApps: Outline the architecture of decentralized marketplaces built on Metis for trading CS:GO items. Consider the use of smart contracts for secure trades and potential integration of price oracles.
  • Connecting to CS:GO: Explore methods for securely linking in-game items with their tokenized counterparts on the blockchain. This could involve:
    • Steam API Integration: Leveraging the Steam Web API for limited item verification.
    • Trusted Oracles: Potentially using oracle networks to report item ownership data securely from within the CS:GO environment.

Potential Use Cases

  • Decentralized Skin Trading: Enabling transparent P2P marketplaces less reliant on centralized platforms like the Steam marketplace.
  • Provably Fair Item Upgrading: Introduce the possibility of on-chain item upgrading mechanisms (e.g., combining lower-tier items for a chance at higher rarity items), with verifiable fairness and transparency.
  • Collateralization and Lending: Explore the potential of CS:GO items acting as collateral within DeFi protocols on Metis.

Challenges and Considerations

  • Regulatory Landscape: Acknowledge the evolving regulations surrounding digital assets and emphasize the need for compliance.
  • User Adoption: Discuss strategies to encourage CS:GO players and collectors to adopt a blockchain-based system, focusing on user experience and education.
  • Collaborations with Valve: Outline the potential for collaboration with Valve (CS:GO’s developers) to streamline integration, although acknowledging the potential challenges.


The integration of CS:GO items on the Metis blockchain opens up significant opportunities for enhancing the ownership, trading, and utility of these in-game assets. Metis’s scalability, low fees, and developer-friendly environment position it well for driving this innovation. This whitepaper establishes a foundation for further research and development, driving towards a more secure, transparent, and open gaming economy.

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