CVP Proposal: Flair - Web3 Developer Tooling Platform

Project Name: Flair
Project Category: Web3 Developer Tooling Platform

Team Member(s):

Aram –(based in Netherlands ): Hired as a software engineer in 2008, co-founded 3 startups, 1 reached product-market fit, worked at high-traffic products. Self-learned English and programming from a small town in Iran, and immigrated to Europe against all odds. Heard about Ethereum 2017 but seriously studied crypto (DAOs, DeFi, NFTs) since 2019.

Kasra – (based in Norway): Studied strategic marketing, has a YT channel focused on NFTs, co-founded 2 startups, software developer at fortune 500 company, experience building NFT communities. Self-learned English and studied business management.

Who are we?

Flair ( is a web3 developer tooling platform that helps projects sell more NFTs with our credit-card and cross-chain-payment solutions and also build faster and save time/cost on web3 development by offering scalable smart contracts, relayer API and wallet solutions.

So far, we have helped +4700 (and continuing) developers using Flair and closely working with several crypto games, defi/nft projects, web2 companies, etc. to integrate different web3 features into their projects.

We have full compatibility with Metis, so projects and developer can deploy their contracts on Metis chain.

Useful links:

Discord: Flair
Pitch Deck:


Hello Kasra, thanks for this description. It’s a Amazing tool for MetisDAO and creator. The spirit of this project is the same than MetisDAO: help companies to Come in web3.
Some questions:
What is the cost to create a NFT collection ? If we put a file as in metadata (JPEG file for example) , How this file is stored ?
I see you are too an Indexer like The Graph. Can you already use this tool on MetisDAO ?



Hello Kasra, the project is very interesting.

I wanted to know if the nfts that are intended to deploy and trade with the Flair service can be used for web3 games that use the same as people, weapons and buffs.

Thank you! Benjamin.


Thank you for the kind words Patrice

1- Right now it is free to deploy any smart contract (ERC-20, 721, 1155) in Flair dashboard. The metadata that we store is on IPFS.

2- Our indexer is to be used for projects that want to index blockchain data or events on Metis; It is chain-agnostic and dedicated, so it means it will index reliably and as fast as possible the data you need.

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Hey Ben

The NFTs can be used for all the purposes you mentioned. E.x usually games use ERC-1155 NFTs for gaming assets.

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Hi Flair team nice to meet ya! I have a question regarding your project. So I can see that you guys specialize in helping clients develop web3 projects. Can you explain more what you mean by the credit card/cross chain payment solutions?


Hi Flair team!

Can you provide a specific example of a project that used Flair to integrate Web3 features into their product?

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Can you elaborate on the credit card solution? What kind of solution is that?

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Hi Kasra, you mentioned in this article, that you have compatibility with Metis, can we know the particular area (s) Metis and Flair are compatible? Or in what sense are you compatible with Metis?

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Sure thing.

Cross-chain payment solution allows you to interact with blockchain (e.x sell NFTs) via any cryptocurrency in your wallet. e.x you might want to sell NFTs on Metis but your users have Bitcoin; then with this feature they can pay for the NFT via the Bitcoin in their wallet. Makes on-boarding faster.

Absolutely. We have a sample list of projects that have used our tools (contracts, relayer and indexer API). You can find them on top of the page in our website: (also the testimonial section)

Credit-card solution allows any user to pay for NFTs that you have created via their credit-card

Sure thing. So right now it comes down to few aspects:

Projects can deploy their contract (ERC-20, 721 OR 1155) On Metis via our platform.

Also if a project needs to index data on Metis chain (read event or transaction data e.x), they can use our chain-agnostic indexing API

Finally, they can use our relayer API on Metis to perform actions on behalf of the users and write to blockchain (a user clicks in your app and you mint an NFT on behalf of them on Metis without them even having a wallet)


Hello Flair!

Is there any KYC procedure?

It is interesting to see how it works: perhaps there is already an example project that shows the Flair functionality