CVP Proposal: Forward - Toolkits for Instant Blockchainization

WordPress for Web 3.0


Forward Protocol uses an easy-to-use WordPress-like model to facilitate a no-code environment that users can use to deploy their dApps without technical knowledge.

Frontend, backend and smart contract template bundles are available for a user to select based on their utility, customize and deploy in a few mins on any EVM and RUST compatible chains in a few clicks.

Our ultimate goal is to fast-track mass adoption of Blockchain Technology with simplicity.

Forward Relevant Links


:arrow_right: Forward Deck

Website and Whitepaper:

:arrow_right: Website

:arrow_right: Whitepaper

Social Media and Announcements:

:arrow_right: Twitter

:arrow_right: Telegram Announcements


:arrow_right: Telegram Community

:arrow_right: Medium

Additional Links and Access to Founders

:arrow_right: Linktree

Forward Security

All dApps can have their own associated audit reports. Verified dApps will be marked accordingly. This is an open ecosystem for developers to monetize their work by uploading their dApps and smart contracts for others to use. Verified dApps and smart contracts tend to be used more frequently by users, hence developers will be incentivized to get their code base audited.

Features and Uniqueness

Forward supports multiple chains, Metis, BSC, Ethereum, Avalanche, Polygon, Skale, Near, Reef, Fantom, KCC, HSC, Optimism, Arbitrum or any RUST and EVM chains.

Users can use our tools seamlessly in Forward Factory.

Forward focuses on building Web3 infrastructure to create a gateway for the traditional business world and facilitate the real-world adoption of blockchain.

Forward is an adoption-focused no-code interface to deploy Blockchains, subnets and dApps. It has 150+ partners.

  • Easy to use
  • Complete control
  • Opensource
  • Drag and drop
  • Set your own fees
  • No code interface
  • Simple and scalable
  • Integrates with your ecosystem
  • No technical knowledge required

Token Description/Utility

The dApps deployed using the Forward Factory pay the developers and the protocol fees in $FORWARD for utility.

The primary revenue is from the usage/transactions. That incentivizes the developers and Forward to make the application and the process so seamless that the deploying entity is successfully using it. Everyone wins then.

The tokens also have additional utility for holders by allowing them to participate in DAO governance to accept applications into the Factory Templates Library.

Forward for Different Stakeholders (B2B2C model)

Business owners or creators use Forward Factory to deploy applications for their personal or business use.

Developers can monetize their efforts, and create a revenue source by creating templates and providing them for users to deploy. The more deployments and users, the more revenue developers make. Just like the WordPress plugin directory.

Cuts down significantly on time to market, can be used to test the waters fast, and removes the upfront cost and resource challenges. More opportunities for businesses to give it a go and see what works for them the best.

Chains can grow their ecosystem by getting their newly acquired users to the Forward Factory and quickly deploy their business use case on the suitable chain(s). Currently, chains face a challenge where the onboarded companies do not deploy fast enough due to resource constraints. If they can go live without the associated cost, it increases the ecosystem of that specific Chain. Forward Factory becomes a gateway for all parties with no competition.

Existing dApps-
All existing blockchain tools and utilities can connect to the Forward Factory by linking with templates and future applications through API, SDK or other forms of integration.

With a constantly increasing demand for applications using Forward Factory, the demand for Forward tokens will increase benefiting everyone in the ecosystem.

Congratulations for passing the CEG program!