CVP Proposal: Launch HYVE on Metis as the first onchain job marketplace


HYVE is currently the largest native web3 job platform, catering to freelancers worldwide. As a platform, HYVE currently accepts over 200 different currencies (including METIS on ETH mainnet) and supports transactions on 7 different blockchains (ETH, BNB, Fantom, Polygon, AVAX, Cronos, Aurora, and soon Metis). Payment is done through escrow contracts, ensuring a swift and safe collaboration.

The latest update on HYVE brought digital items; meaning users can now create all sorts of downloadable content and sell it, creating passive income streams for creators on the platform. Anything downloadable goes, from ebook and audiobooks to notion templates and website templates and even to games, courses, icon packs and many others.

Generally, HYVE charges a 2.5% fee on all transactions - which we will waive for Metis users for a limited time!

HYVE on Metis

  • We will deploy HYVE on METIS, making HYVE the first job marketplace on METIS .

  • In addition to integrating METIS, we will also integrate 5-10 tokens from the METIS ecosystem, as voted by the community.

  • Users will be able to find jobs and get paid in METIS or other coins on the METIS blockchain.

  • For at least 1 year after METIS has been implemented, we will waive the 2.5% fee usually applied to transactions. This will make it free for you to find jobs or hire people, while enjoying all the benefits of the escrow payment system.

  • HYVE is already in touch with the METIS team and has integrated METIS token (but not the blockchain) as a payment option a few months ago. Integrating METIS blockchain would be the next logical step in our collaboration.


HYVE is audited by CERTIK - HYVE - CertiK Skynet Project Insight


HYVE has completed its initial roadmap a while ago, but has been pushing full steam ahead - our plans for 2024 can be found here: HYVE diary log: Year 24,068


HYVE will be the first decentralised on-chain job marketplace on METIS, and will waive fees for METIS users. HYVE is audited, and has been live for several years on other chains.





Telegram: Telegram: Contact @hyveworks


In the proposal it was stated that some of latest update on HYVE brought digital items; in other words users can now create all sorts of downloadable content and sell it, creating passive income streams for creators on the platform. Anything downloadable goes, from ebook and audiobooks to notion templates and website templates and even to games, courses, icon packs and many others. I want to know What type of downloadable content can users create and sell on HYVE, whereby providing a source of passive income for creators on the platform becomes seamless?

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  1. What steps has HYVE taken to ensure security and transparency in its operations? Are there any additional security measures in place for users on METIS?
  2. Could you elaborate on the criteria for selecting the 5-10 tokens from the METIS ecosystem that will be integrated into HYVE, and how the community will be involved in the decision-making process?
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It’s an interesting proposal and I’m sure this will scale through the votes. I have 2 interesting questions;
i. Given HYVE’s existing presence on various chains, what lessons have been learnt that will be applied to enhance user experience on the Metis blockchain?

ii. In the context of the roadmap for 2024, what key features or improvements does HYVE envision bringing to its platform, particularly focusing on the Metis integration?

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Good to see utility protocols coming up on Metis, however will Metisans be limited to jobs available on Metis only or they would be eligible to apply for other jobs hosted on the HYVE protocol?


There’s several steps that HYVE takes to safeguard operations. We have been audited by Certik. We protect all our users through the use of escrow contracts. To quote from another answer: “Once a freelancer applies for a job, the employer is required to deposit the full amount - which gets sent to an escrow smart contract. Once the freelancer completes the job, the escrow will be released and they will be paid what is due. Any dispute can be resolved before escrow is released through our arbitration system.”

The HYVE team is very transparent, and I encourage you to join the telegram where you will see Tudor (founder) active to answer questions from the community everyday.

There will not be any additional security measures put in place for users on Metis. We have always treated the safety of our community with the utmost importance, and already take every reasonably possible step to ensure their safety. If there are any safety measures you feel would benefit HYVE and the Metis community, let us know!


To select the 5-10 tokens that will be integrated, we will conduct polls and ask for Metis community feedback on telegram and our X account. There is nobody better suited to pick the tokens than you. We will space out the integrations and do 2-3 tokens at once, as there are so many great projects launching on Metis and we don’t want to leave anybody out.


We provide the infrastructure, and enable sellers to let their imagination run freely. There’s no real limits on what you can sell as a digital item (as long as it is not illegal) - our most common items are notion templates, but this may change in the future as consumer demand shifts.


We’re glad to hear you are excited! Each time a job/task is posted, the poster specifies the blockchain and coin that they want to use for payment. There is nothing stopping Metisans from applying to jobs that are not paid through Metis.

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Hello , my question is :
Does HYVE have any plans to broaden its focus beyond Web3 employment opportunities? If thats the case what other industries or skill sets could potentially be incorporated into the platform?

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We appreciate your confidence in HYVE!

i. We’ve severely improved UX based off of user feedback and made the overall experience much more enjoyable for both freelancers and employers. We constantly receive feedback and implement it - anything from a minor UI change to a whole new category. There was a lot of user feedback asking us to integrate Metis L2 after we integrated METIS on ETH mainnet.

ii. For a full list of things that HYVE will release in the upcoming year, you can check out this article: HYVE diary log: Year 24,068. We’re very excited about the HYVE mobile app, but there’s a lot of things that will go live in the meantime such as: invoicing, AI agents, the HYVE store, HYVE e-commerce shops, and bounties/competitions with auto-validation. Metis integration will particularly benefit a few new features such as bounties and competitions, but we’re constantly looking for user feedback to see what else would benefit users in their freelancing journey!

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This will be an impressive project on metis. Well from what I have read, it states that HYVE users can create and sell a wide range of downloadable content providing a seamless source of passive income for creators which includes Ebooks, audiobooks website templates etc. So with this great features,
:small_blue_diamond:what are the sources of passive income for creators on the platform that becomes seamless? And what measures can a web3 enthusiast create and sell some of these downloadable contents?
:small_blue_diamond:Although it’s Real World Asset season . My question is does HYVE intended to create a token in future for it users to benefit from?

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Hey there! This is a great proposal and I love the idea of a job opportunities platform on Metis.

However, I’d love to ask a few questions for clarification on this aspect:

  1. Are the jobs offered on HYVE both Web2 and Web3 opportunities? Remote, Hybrid, Physical?

  2. How does the platform aggregate these opportunities? Do contractors list job offers on the platform? Or is there an oracle/protocol that sources for offers and lists them?

What are the stats? Number of registered users and how many have successfully gotten jobs?

With the advent of digital items on HYVE and the forthcoming integration with METIS, how does the platform plan to address potential challenges related to the sale and copyright protection of digital products, and what measures are being taken to ensure a fair and secure environment for creators and buyers, particularly in terms of digital rights management and intellectual property protection?

Hey HYVE crew! As you unveil your epic roadmap for 2024, I can’t help but feel like we’re in a galactic adventure. I especially liked the Bikini Bottom vibe🍍

I have one question for u! A little bit about marketing strategy.

What creative measures is HYVE taking to transform the job marketplace into a vibrant digital bazaar, where freelancers can peddle their wares and clients can shop for unique digital treasures?

HYVE is an on-chain job marketplace, but there is no requirement for the jobs posted to be web3 related. In fact, many freelancers offer unrelated services such as video editing or content creation. As blockchain technology becomes more mainstream, we expect many traditional companies to hire via HYVE due to the low fees and escrow features, as well as the fantastic talent pool available.

Thanks for your kind words and confidence in the proposal!

  1. You can find both web2 jobs and web3 jobs on HYVE. All the opportunities are currently remote, but there’s nothing stopping a company from posting an in-person/hybrid job offer.

  2. The platform is currently not an aggregator. Users (both freelancers and employers) list tasks/offers natively on HYVE.

Thanks for your confidence!

Yes, HYVE users can create and sell a wide range of content. A web3 enthusiast could create a revenue stream by uploading quality content and promoting it within communities of people who would be interested in that product.

HYVE already has a token, listed on several CEX/DEX including KuCoin:

We have over 30k users and thousands of jobs and tasks on the platform right now.

This issue comes up with any platform that enables uploading and selling content. Intelectual Property is an important topic for us, so we follow industry standard practices to deal with any infringement. Any DMCA request we receive is swiftly dealt with by our team members.

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