CVP Proposal: LetsExchange

LetsExchange swap 3900+ digital assets on 100+ blockchains

Welcome to LetsExchange, a leading crypto-to-crypto swap provider that stands at the forefront of the digital asset exchange industry. With support for over 3900 digital assets across more than 100 blockchains, LetsExchange redefines convenience, security, and accessibility. Our commitment to innovation, KYC-friendly practices, and strategic partnerships with top B2B clients like Trezor, Exodus, Edge, Trustee Global, and more, underscores our dedication to delivering unmatched value to our users and partners.

What problem is LetsExchange solving?

In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, newcomers often find themselves overwhelmed by the challenges of purchasing, trading, and protecting their preferred tokens. LetsExchange steps in as a user-friendly and non-custodial solution.

Our goal is to make life easier for both beginners and crypto natives, offering a secure and effortless path to expanding their digital assets.

By integrating LetsExchange’s widget and API, projects can onboard users directly on their websites, chat platforms, or applications. This integration is an invaluable opportunity for projects to expand their user base, enhance engagement, and offer unparalleled value to their communities. This unique proposition sets LetsExchange apart, streamlining the user experience and fostering a symbiotic relationship between projects and their supporters.

Support for METIS

At LetsExchange, we’re proud to extend our support to METIS, both on its native blockchain and as an ERC-20 token. This partnership not only exemplifies our commitment to collaboration but also showcases our technical prowess in enabling seamless cross-chain swaps, further extending the utility of the METIS ecosystem.

Tech Utility

Unlike many other platforms, LetsExchange operates without the need for a proprietary token, ensuring a straightforward experience. Our platform also eliminates the requirement for KYC procedures, prioritizing your convenience and privacy. With LetsExchange, executing cross-chain swaps becomes a seamless and effortless process. For example, users can directly exchange ZEC for Metis, and vice versa, extending to any other token or coin supported within our aggregator.


Our platform’s architecture has been rigorously tested and audited to ensure the highest levels of security. We’ve successfully passed three internal audits conducted by respected independent firms - Hacken, SoftSeq, and Blaize Tech. Additionally, we’ve partnered with Hacken to launch a program aimed at identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities across our website, API, third-party applications, and mobile versions. This unrelenting focus on security underscores our dedication to safeguarding user assets and data.

Uniqueness Factor

What truly sets LetsExchange apart is our offering of over 3900 digital assets and support of more than 100 blockchains. No other swap provider offers this extensive array of assets.

Other important information

For inquiries, partnerships, and collaborations, please contact us at
Stay connected with LetsExchange:

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Welcome to Andromeda, LetsExchange, and glad to have you want to become a CVP!

I read through your proposal and have just 1 question;

Your proposal says “we’re proud to extend our support to METIS, both on its native blockchain and as an ERC-20 token”

Does this mean only $Metis will be tradeable on your exchange? if yes, why?

Welcome to LetsExchange, a leading crypto-to-crypto swap provider that stands at the forefront of the digital asset exchange industry.

Good to be part of this.

About the security part, does it mean that we are 100% risk free?

Your presentation looks quite interesting but still explain what you will make money on if your business model does not need to have its own token?

Good to have you on board.

When you say you don’t have a token? What do you mean? Will Metis token serve as a primary token for any transaction concerning metis??


  1. With the extensive array of digital assets and support for over 100 blockchains, how you manage liquidity and ensure that users can readily access and trade the specific assets they’re interested in, especially for assets with lower trading volumes?
  2. Security is a paramount concern in the cryptocurrency industry. Could you provide more details on the security measures and audits performed by LetsExchange to ensure the safety of user assets and data? Additionally, what proactive steps are taken to stay ahead of emerging security threats?

I’m impressed by LetsExchange’s user-friendly approach to making crypto accessible, from beginners to experienced users. Their support for METIS and cross-chain swaps is a huge step forward.


I am thoroughly impressed with LetsExchange’s dedication to providing a user-friendly experience for individuals at all levels of expertise, ranging from beginners to experienced users, thus making cryptocurrency accessible to a wider audience. Their commitment to supporting METIS and implementing cross-chain swaps represents a significant stride forward in their offerings.

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Could you share more details about the mechanics of the cross-chain swaps? How does LetsExchange manage these swaps seamlessly?

LetsExchange shows a vast support 3900+ digital assets across 100+ blockchains, coupled with its user-friendly interface, non-custodial approach, and rigorous security measures, positions it as a pioneering solution in the dynamic cryptocurrency realm. Their seamless cross-chain swaps, absence of proprietary tokens, and strategic partnerships showcase their commitment to innovation and user convenience. An impressive platform catering to both beginners and crypto experts alik

I read the proposal and my only question is the KYC i believe kyc helps with security.

How can users feel secure without the kyc procedure for maximum protection.

Impressive! LetsExchange is redefining the crypto landscape with its extensive support for digital assets and blockchains. The commitment to user-friendliness, security, and innovation is truly commendable.

My question, how will you support METIS, both on its native blockchain and as an ERC-20 token, and also enhance the overall utility of the METIS ecosystem and benefit its users?

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Excited to learn about the partnership with Metis and extending Metis utilities.

Here is my questions

First, what are other utilities added to Metis Ecosystem

Secondly, since LetsExchange eliminates the requirement for KYC procedures, How does the platform ensure proper privacy?

Hi!My question is:

How does LetsExchange ensure the security of cross-chain swaps, especially given the growing complexity of the blockchain landscape?

Welcome on board LetsExchange!!

With over 3900 digital asset, hope you have unmatched strategies to sustain liquidity across all blockchains?
Secondly, what are the requirements for projects wishing to run your API?

Well, Your dedication to innovation and commitment to simplifying the crypto experience truly shine through.
One question: How does LetsExchange envision the future integration of emerging blockchain technologies to continually enhance user convenience and security?
Because taking a look, that has been the issues of major exchange now/ protocols.

Your extensive support for METIS and a wide range of assets is impressive! Kudos on fostering a secure, non-custodial, and user-friendly platform.
Looking forward to seeing how you evolve in this rapidly changing landscape.

:star2: Impressive! LetsExchange is truly revolutionizing the crypto landscape with its extensive support for digital assets and commitment to innovation. The array of partnerships with industry leaders like Trezor, Exodus, Edge, and Trustee Global highlights a solid dedication to providing unparalleled value and security to users and partners. :rocket::lock: Kudos to the LetsExchange team! :clap:

Welcome to Metis Eco. in advance
I just want to be clear on something.
You’re building a non-custodial exchange yeah?
We can swap assets and every other functionality?

Great proposal here, How do you ensure that your cross-chain swaps are secure and efficient also Can you share some examples of how LetsExchange has helped projects to onboard users, enhance engagement, and offer value to their communities?

It’s truly impressive to see LetsExchange’s extensive support for digital assets and blockchains. One potential suggestion would be to consider incorporating educational resources or guides for newcomers to the crypto space, helping them navigate the platform and the broader world of cryptocurrencies with even more confidence. This could further solidify LetsExchange as a user-friendly solution for both beginners and experienced users. Keep up the great work!