CVP Proposal: Midas—secure, on-chain, fair, and fun prediction games, exclusively on Metis

Amazing launch, @midas_games! The incorporation of QRNG for fair gameplay and the community-driven approach are truly exciting. Looking ahead, could you share more about your strategies for fostering long-term user engagement?

I’m absolutely stoked to see Midas, part of the Metis Fold.

Could you provide more details about the integration of API3’s QRNG technology into the Midas Lottery, and how it aligns with the unique capabilities and requirements of the Metis blockchain?

I’m truly fascinated by Midas and the utility it will bring into the ecosystem. Can’t wait to see them start crushing it after this vote is passed. Kudos to the Midas team. :clap:

i m trying to midas testnet but i cant by a ticket … what must i do ?