CVP Proposal: Midas—secure, on-chain, fair, and fun prediction games, exclusively on Metis

About Us

We are thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of Midas — an exciting new gaming suite built on the Metis blockchain!

Midas offers a variety of on-chain prediction market games, starting with an exciting new lottery game. The Midas Lottery will allow users to buy tickets with $METIS tokens for a chance to win $METIS prize pools.

Benefits to Metis

Our goal is to advance blockchain (“on-chain”) gaming by demonstrating how Metis’ scalability and low transaction fees can enable the next evolution of fun and fair prediction games.

Benefits to Users

As a community-driven platform, Midas aims to showcase the capabilities of the high performance Metis network by integrating games with features and benefits below.

1. $METIS Prizes

All Midas games offer the chance for users to win rewards in $METIS tokens. Match enough numbers on our lottery to take home exciting prizes! As Midas grows, our prize pools and jackpot sizes will continue expanding.

2. Fairness You Can Trust

Midas integrates provably fair random number generation powered by API3’s QRNG technology. This creates full transparency around gameplay outcomes. Players can verify game integrity on-chain.

3. Fast and Responsive Gameplay

By building on Metis, Midas games achieve lightning fast speeds with reliable transaction finality. No more lag or costly gas fees getting in the way of non-stop entertainment.

4. Community-Driven Platform

We also plan to incorporate community feedback into our open product roadmap over time. This will allow Midas users to help shape future developments and new games they want to see on the platform. Be part of the journey!

Technical Specifications

As a direct fork of the well-established PancakeSwap Lottery, Midas Lottery inherits a strong foundation, further enhanced by the integration of API3’s QRNG technology.

1. Forking PancakeSwap Lottery

Midas lottery is a clean fork of the PancakeSwap Lottery, a trusted and proven blockchain-based lottery system. This means that the core functionalities, security protocols, and architectural framework of Midas Lottery are directly replicated from PancakeSwap’s system.

2. Integration of Quantum Random Number Generation (QRNG)

The primary modification in this fork involves the replacement of the Chainlink VRF (Verifiable Random Function) with a API3’s QRNG, tailored to operate seamlessly on the Metis blockchain. This alteration ensures compatibility and optimal performance within the Metis ecosystem, aligning with its unique capabilities and requirements.

3. Security and Audit Credentials

While Midas Lottery itself has not undergone a separate audit, it benefits significantly from the robust security measures established by its predecessor, PancakeSwap Lottery.

PancakeSwap’s lottery system has been subjected to comprehensive audits conducted by industry-leading security firms, PeckShield and SlowMist. The audit reports can be reviewed at the following links:

These audits provide an in-depth evaluation of the system’s security, smart contract integrity, and overall reliability.


Post-launch of the Midas Lottery, our roadmap focuses on broadening the gaming experience, introducing new player rewards, and empowering community involvement.

1. Introduction of New Games

We are excited to expand our game portfolio with at least four additional games. Each game will uphold our commitment to provable fairness and on-chain gaming.

2. Staking Program with Shared House Fees

Our upcoming staking program will enable community members to earn from the platform’s earnings, creating a meaningful stakeholder experience and fostering a deeper connection with the platform.

3. Launch of a Referral Program

To expand our community, we will introduce a referral program. This initiative will reward affiliates, accelerating our user base growth and enhancing community engagement.

4. Development of Community-Driven Governance Tools

We are committed to decentralizing decision-making by developing governance tools. This will allow our community to directly influence the platform’s direction, reflecting a user-centric approach.


Our vision — bringing on-chain gaming to the Metis ecosystem where transactions are fast, fees are cheap, and the community is vibrant.

Contact Us

For inquiries, partnerships, and collaborations, please contact us at

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How does the integration of API3’s QRNG technology in the Midas Lottery on the Metis blockchain ensure provable fairness and transparency for players, and how does it differentiate this lottery from traditional gaming systems?

The upcoming staking program and referral program sound promising for community engagement. Could you provide more details on the specifics of these programs? For instance, how will stakers benefit from shared house fees, and what incentives are planned for the referral program to encourage community growth?

It’s exciting to see the progress and plans for Midas on the Metis blockchain! The incorporation of API3’s QRNG technology for provably fair gaming adds transparency. Looking forward to the launch and subsequent developments. How can users get involved in shaping Midas’ future through community feedback?

  1. What specific new games are planned for introduction in the roadmap and on what approximate timeline?
  2. How will community feedback be gathered and incorporated into governance decisions?

Midas Team! i have a question. Is it planned or planned that it can be participated with other tokens? Especially thinking about stablecoins like USDT or USDC.


While Midas Lottery inherits security features from PancakeSwap, users often value individual project audits. Could you share Midas’s plans for conducting its own security audit in the future?

How does midas plan to engage and plan to attract a diverse community of users?

Hello, I have two questions for you.

  1. Given that the Midas Lottery has not been audited separately, are there any plans for a direct audit in the near future?

  2. How does Midas benefit someone who isn’t interested game prediction or gambling?

Midas sounds like a promising addition to the Metis ecosystem! Could you elaborate on the integration with community feedback for future game development?

The integration of API3’s QRNG in Midas Lottery for provably fair outcomes is intriguing. How do you envision this cutting-edge technology contributing to a transparent and trustworthy gaming experience for users on the Metis blockchain?

Personally I’m thrilled with all the benefits midas has to offer and I’m glad i can finalise explore all the fun stuff on the metis ecosystem.

Impressive launch, @midas_games! Excited about the fair gameplay with QRNG and the community-driven approach. How do you plan to enhance user engagement in the long term? #MidasGames #MetisBlockchain

  1. How do you plan to ensure the security and fairness of the Midas games? Are there any specific mechanisms in place to prevent manipulation or cheating?

  2. In terms of scalability, how do you plan to handle the potential increase in user demand as the platform grows? Are there any strategies in place to ensure smooth gameplay and transaction processing?

Keep up the excellent work and I look forward to seeing how Midas evolves in the Metis ecosystem!

Regarding the integration of API3’s QRNG technology, could you share how the implementation on the Metis blockchain specifically enhances the fairness and transparency of the Midas games compared to other blockchain platforms?

Great to see on Metis !

What about your own tokens means Midas Tokennomics

How will Midas ensure that the feedback collected from the community is effectively integrated into the decision-making process for future developments and new games?

It’s energizing to see the improvement and plans for Midas on the Metis blockchain! The fuse of API3’s QRNG innovation for provably fair gaming adds straightforwardness. Anticipating the send off and ensuing turns of events. How could clients engage in molding Midas’ future through local area criticism?

Welcome onboard Midas!! GambleFi is earning a lot of attention in the space and I believe you’ll provide unrivalled services to the community.

One more thing, would be interesting to have more real life gambling events.

How does Midas plan to actively involve the community in shaping the future developments and new games on the platform, as mentioned in the roadmap?

I share your excitement about Midas on the Metis blockchain! The incorporation of API3’s QRNG tech for fair gaming adds transparency. You can shape Midas’ future by joining their community channels and sharing your feedback.