CVP Proposal: OpenOcean, the leading Dex aggregator, expands to Metis providing users the best available swap rates

OpenOcean has launched its dex aggregation protocol on Metis Andromeda on June 12th, 2023. OpenOcean has successfully aggregated and indexed the deep liquidity sources on Metis, including Hummus, Netswap and Hermes. Through the aggregation, both Metis and OpenOcean users can obtain the most competitive swap rates available on Metis.

Brief introduction of OpenOcean
OpenOcean is the most efficient DEX aggregator, a cross-chain swap aggregator, and Web 3 middleware developer in the crypto space, offering a suite of tools across 23+ networks and 300+ deep liquidity sources. OpenOcean is building a one-stop trading platform, to bring users the best swap return for decentralized crypto trading.

OpenOcean’s competitive edge on Metis
OpenOcean empowers traders to execute efficient swaps at the best available swap rates by integrating the major liquidity sources in the Metis. OpenOcean also introduces its advanced smart routing algorithm and TradingView suite to Metis. Regardless of what you’re trading or the size of your trades, you’ll enjoy the same great benefits when swapping on the OpenOcean platform, including access to the best swap rates, highest capital efficiency, and a professional trading-overview with detailed charts and indicators.

Let’s go through a showcase below trading on OpenOcean via the Metis. When traders try to swap 1,000 m.USDT/METIS, OpenOcean helps save $7 on the purchases compared to using a Dex directly. Even without direct Dex or pool support for the token pair, OpenOcean can still help traders to make swaps, such as m.USDT/MAIA. This example shows that OpenOcean can still help to find the best price across multiple-exchanges and save the end user time and money.

Official Links of OpenOcean:
:link: OpenOcean Website
:bookmark: OpenOcean Audits
:bird: OpenOcean Twitter
:space_invader: OpenOcean Discord
:artificial_satellite: OpenOcean Telegram
:bookmark: OpenOcean Blog
:information_source: OpenOcean Docs

Build with OpenOcean on Metis — API & SDK are available
OpenOcean offers a detailed and easy-to-use API & SDK for individuals or project builders to develop workflow price quotes, token swaps, transfers, and price tracking. Our docs have all the information you need to start building and help you with the integration process. Our tech team is always on hand and standing by to help with any integration-related issues through our Discord support system or via Telegram.

:wink: :repeat: Dive in today on Metis via OpenOcean!

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Haia @Phoebe from OpenOcean,

Integrate UniMaia V3 you must. Maian Uniswap Interface
Also, any way to integrate Tethy’s TLP? Tethys

Thank you,

Are there plans to expand your liquidity sources in Metis?