CVP proposal: Owlto Finance

Owlto Finance is a decentralized cross-rollup bridge, it provides ‘safe, fast, cheap, and easy-to-use’ services.

Here is our website

Here is our product capability

We are fast, low cost and safe as well

Here are our partnership

We have hosted various campaign and AMA

Learn more about us
• Website:Owlto Finance
• Twitter:
• Discord:Owlto Finance


I want to note that I have been watching this project for a long time and even interacted with the platform with the help of test tokens. The project is really interesting and useful, and what is no less important - it has quite a lot of serious partnerships and is reliable judging by the photos provided

Hello Owlto Finance, we’ll need to see a detailed proposal and not just a mere project description and achievements. We’ll need to know your plans concerning your integration on the Metis ecosystem.

Thank You!

Your pitch deck looks quite colorful and I see lots of integerations with other networks and secured lots of partnerships, what is the value proposition you’re offering Metisans?

I actually dont understand how this tends to be a proposal, i have lots of questions i would like to ask.

  1. What is the benefit of Owlto to the Metis ecosystem.
  2. How does Owlto contribute to Metis Vision of Decentralization
  3. Are there services or use cases that makes Owlto have a hedge over other existing projects on the metis ecosystem.

Give us details, we need answers please

It’ll be cool to see you in the MetisDAO eco, having going through this proposal, I feel it no much detail that’ll grasp our minds. Aside low cost, fast and secured transactions and the numerous partnerships. What’s the deal breaker if this partnership goes through?

We’ve got other bridging dApps on Metis, with same features. What makes you different? What are those features that gives you an edge?

Will really love if you give us more on the proposal.

One thing that trips me so much about Owlto Finance is the user interface. Very easy to navigate. And the services listed to offer sounds quite convincing because you are trying to solve underlying challenges with the industry due to local asset transfer.

Kindly outline the major impact of Owlto Finance on the Metis ecosystem and how it will benefit the community

To be honest, you guys have a very awesome interface, Kudos!
However, I’m more keen on areas of security, so permit me to ask:

We all know that there are so many setbacks involved in smart contract utilisation or interaction (vulnerabilities and hacks, being an obvious issue).
What proper technical measures are taken so as to facilitate seamless asset transfer especially within the Metis ecosystem?

This proposal, in my opinion, ought to be well-written and comprehensive rather than purely visual. However, based on the images, it looks like you have a solid project with a good usecase. If I were to cast my vote, what would be the maximum rate that the Metis community would receive for utilizing your platform to transact?

I really like the look of your pitch deck – so many vibrant visuals! It’s impressive to see how seamlessly you’ve integrated with other networks and nailed down quite a few partnerships. Great work!

Emphasis on safe, fast, cheap, and easy-to-use interface. :100: But provision of more Details on the various aspects of your proposal will be greatly appreciated and it will go a long way in telling the public what you are really building.

I think a little more detail would be necessary in the proposal, especially in what type of technology it uses and security above all. Many Metis users were victims of Bridge PolyNetwork malpractice and I think that in matters related to Bridge we must be very cautious and careful. Thank you

From your 2023 recap, Owlto has successfully integrated with 22 networks and now Metis is in sight, what were those challenges you faced and how did you solve them?

Welcome, welcome Owlto, to Metis, i literally have a tab of your dapp opened right now

seamless UI, a place where you bridge and swap assets with ease!

I’m glad you’re with us now.

Time to swap!!

I often used owlto an I a glad to see this on METIS

Great proposal it is indeed.
Owlto finance desk looks dope and to be honest lots of collaborations have been going on within the owlto finance ecosystem, I’ll love to see Metis Ecosystem be part also.

Will like to know the value owlto finance is bringing to the Metis Ecosystem as a whole, including the ecosystem?