CVP Proposal: Reach Developer Platform

Reach Developer Platform

Reach is an end to end developer tool. We are an EVM compatible programming language, specialized compiler and deployment tool that drastically lowers the barrier to entry into blockchain development.

  1. Video Description: Reach is…

  2. Demo: deploying to multiple protocols

  3. Written Description of the Tech Utility and Features

  4. [Overview]
    Reach is modeled with syntax and semantics similar to Javascript, allowing developers to do more with less code. The Reach compiler and verification engine ensures the safety of project code, saving time and money. With protocol-agnostic deployment tools, Reach allows you to launch on the blockchain of your choice.

  5. Unique Value Proposition:

Reach makes it possible for web2 full-stack developers to become web3 developers at a fraction of the time and development cost (over 50% reduction in cost, over 40% reduction in time to build, and over 50% reduction in number of lines of code when compared to traditional blockchain development).

The next killer DApp will never be built unless thousands more Web2 developers obtain the skills and confidence to build elegant, sophisticated Web3 applications. High quality, rigorous blockchain development curriculum is hard to come by. It can take several months, if not years, to master. Reach has a comprehensive, multi-tiered developer curriculum offering that takes novice Reach developers to accredited Reach developers in the matter of weeks. Traditional MOOC success (graduation) rates are a mere 7%. Reach courses have a 30% graduation rate; 5x more than other training courses. Comprehensive and engaging training courses designed by Reach, ensure students develop the foundational blockchain development knowledge to build stellar DApps that tackle complex real world challenges.


  • Reach has a community of 7,800+ developers

  • Completely open source platform and documentation for anyone to access

  • An end to end platform that includes a language, compiler with auto-formal verification for security checks, and a network deployment tool that allows the developer to choose where to deploy.

  • Multi-chain capabilities. Build once, deploy anywhere. Create interoperable applications.

  • 25+ companies have decided to build their businesses using Reach

  • Multi-level education & curriculum offering:

    • Quarterly developer programs to onboard new developers to Metis and teach them to deploy safe and secure applications to the protocol
    • Bi-weekly retention challenges to keep the community engaged and building on Metis
    • In 4 - 12 weeks we can take web2 developers to full fledged Reach accredited blockchain developers with an ability to build production quality DApps
    • High success/retention rate in graduates, thanks to our team’s engagement and robust mentorship programs

Our Success:

  1. Programs

  2. Applications Launched to mainnet

  3. Chains we support:

  4. Metis

  5. Algorand

  6. Conflux

  7. & All EVM Equivalent chains: polygon, optimism, moonbeam, etc.


Q3 2022 - DONE:

  • Multichain support
  • Africa outReach Program
  • Malaysia University outReach Program
  • Begin Protocol Expansion conversations

Q4 2022:

  • Metis fully integrated with Reach compiler
  • Simplified deployment flow
  • EVM partnership for 2023 developer programs
  • Kick off India outReach Program

Q1 2023:

  • Improve efficiency from Solidity to EVM byte code
  • Updated Reach documentation & new workshops for Metis
  • Kick off Virtual and IRL hacks in India with Phoenix Guild
  • Singapore outReach program with WiBA and local Universities

Q2 2023:

  • Multi-chain smart NFT marketplace launch
  • Launch Reach accelerator (TBD partners)
  • Kick off virtual and IRL LATAM outReach Program

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I love the summary of the project including the program to onboard Web2 builders into Metis through rigorous curriculum. Definitely bringing value to our ecosystem by way of more builders.


Good to have you guys. Cheers!