CVP Proposal: Snapshot

This is a proposal for Snapshot ( to become part of the CEG program as a Community Verified Project on Metis.

Snapshot has always stood for open governance. Our mission is to empower individuals to participate in their favorite projects by reducing the barrier of entry to a minimum. In that view, we have decided to support Metis Network and we’re already lucky to count 14 Metis projects including MetisDAO itself, Tethys Finance, NetSwap, Mini Metis, or Maia DAO.

Tech Utility: Snapshot’s current architecture relies on off-chain factors to let individuals sign messages instead of having to realize a costly (or not so costly in the case of Metis) on-chain transaction. Therefore, we’re not really based on any singular chain but we support most EVM-compatible chains for which there is demand. We’re very happy to see the quick growth of the Metis ecosystem and we’d like to continue working with the team to ensure users have a smooth and appealing experience when it comes to participating in decentralized governance.

Snapshot has no token, and there’s no need for one to participate.

Security: Snapshot’s off-chain/on-chain architecture has placed it in a category of its own in terms of security. In the end, our proudest claim to be secure comes from close to 2 years of battle-tested existence, crazy volume, and exotic voting strategies, all without a single case where a Snapshot space was exploited for a profit.

Uniqueness factor: While many platforms seek to copy Snapshot’s success, Snapshot has weathered competition in part due to its mission to be a public good for the web3 ecosystem. No value extraction, no data harvesting, no ads, no nothing. We’re very proud of that mission and even prouder to see more and more projects in the ecosystem embrace that vision.

For a quick overview on creating a space on Snapshot and what that space can do for your community; head here:

In terms of roadmap, we like to keep a few things secret but over the next 6 months, you can expect:

  • A Snapshot mobile app, allowing you to vote in your favorite DAOs at the click of a button.
  • Snapshot X, our new plan to take Snapshot and voting back on-chain while keeping costs minimal for users.
  • A new delegation system that allows for easy and fast delegation of voting power across different spaces.
  • The boring but necessary three keys to success and global adoption - scaling, scaling, scaling.

Snapshot’s website is and you can find all the relevant developer documentation at

We hope we can become a CVP for Metis and we’ll be glad to participate in any live stream!

Kind regards,
Snapshot Labs


Congratulations for passing the CEG program!