CVP Proposal: UniDex Exchange

UniDex exchange is a DeFi aggregation layer & derivatives exchange. At its core, UniDex aims to resolve common pain points DeFi traders have with inefficiencies in swap rates, tools available, and general approach to the UX when compared to CeFi counterparts. We deliver a meta-aggregation strategy allowing trades to always get the best rate on the market without worrying if your favorite dex aggregator is using the latest and most optimized routing method. We also extend this to perpetual-trading protocols allowing traders to access their favorite perp platforms like perpetual protocol ( which UniDex has got a grant from ), GMX (long-time partner ever since the initial project xvix finance ), and more across many networks.

UniDex also delivers a best-in-class leverage trading experience with its leverage trading protocol managed by the UniDex team. Our leverage protocol allows users to trade any asset they truly wish to get exposure to.

For example, this means you can trade common crypto pairs like ETH & METIS, forex pairs like EURUSD & GBPUSD, stocks like TSLA or the QQQ ETF, or even commodities like gold & silver. These all trade against a single pool for peak capital efficiency and allow poolers to take the process in market making enabling stakers to receive losses & liquidations from traders. Leverage is flexible ranging from 1x-500x with some pairs having a lower limit and all pairs having no minimum leverage.


  • Processed over 500m in volume in 4 months during a bear market
  • Superior Dex Aggregation with the most amount of aggregators connected
  • 1.5m in TVL but carrying multiple times the volume
  • Most amount of unique assets listed across any derivatives leverage protocol
  • IPFS uncensorable access to the protocol
  • Distributed over $500,000 in protocol fees for #RealYield with 0 incentives

Protocol Features (Spot trading)

  • Superior Dex Aggregation allowing for the best rate always
  • Cross chain yield generation for token holders
  • Deployed on 12 different networks
  • Allows for aggregated limit orders

Protocol Features (Leverage)

  • Trade any asset including exotic pairs like BTC/XAU pairs
  • Flexible leverage up to 500x with mechanisms similar to CEXs ( such as adding to existing positions )
  • Fair and predictable funding rates
  • Single staking USDC, ETH, METIS, or FTM

Token mechanics

  • Deployed on four networks ( ETH, FTM, BOBA, METIS )
  • Hold → Fee distributions no staking required 0 smart contract risk
  • #RealYield
  • Deep liquidity


We’re a team of 8 geographically distributed across the US, EU, and SW Asia regions. We’ve been going strong for two years since UniDex started and have kept pumping new things for the DeFi ecosystem with more to come.

Upcoming Roadamp

Short term

  • Limit orders for leverage
  • Removing the size limit in favor of global limits for each pair on each side ( targeting this week )
  • Stats page overhaul + pool page ( targeting next week )
  • UI improvements for trading ( targeting next week )

Mid term targets include ( 2+ Months )

  • Cross-chain pooling
  • Looking into deployments on ZkEVM / ZkSync
  • Multi Token pooling
  • First few market first pairs like OSRSgp/USD and custom indexs

Longer term ( 4+ Months )

  • Supporting 0 slippage swaps cross chain between the pools ( for example DAI from Fantom to USDC on Metis with no slippage ) This could double as an efficient bridge but also allow very competitive arbitrage strategies.
  • More conditional orders such as trailing stop losses

Relevant links

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Congratulations for passing the CEG program!