CVP Proposal: zk.Link

What is zkLink and what problems does it solve?

zkLink is a multi-chain infrastructure solution for high-performance ZK applications. zkLink’s flagship Layer 3 solution, Nexus, is based on zero-knowledge technology that aims to empower the next generation of decentralized trading products by improving performance while reducing the costs of trading DApps such as order book DEXs, AMMs, NFT marketplaces, and more.

zkLink solves the problems related to liquidity fragmentation, multi-chain DApp deployment composability, blockchain navigation complexity and lastly, cross-chain transaction security. Using our SDK and zkSNARKS, zkLink connects various Layer 1 and Layer 2 ecosystems together, enabling native DeFi assets on distinct ecosystems to communicate between each other. This allows developers to easily facilitate multi-chain activity and DApp deployments in an efficient and secure manner.

How does zkLink ensure the security and privacy of user transactions?

The straightforward answer here is zero-knowledge-proof technology, in which our protocol employs zk-SNARKs to shield transaction information. While transactions are verified and recorded on the blockchain, details like sender, recipient, and transaction amount remain private.

In comparison to a classic ZK-Rollup architecture, zkLink employs a new type of ZK proof that simultaneously deploys the rollup contracts on multiple L1 blockchains and L2 networks at the same time. zkLink sends ZKPs to the Layer 2s who then submit the ZKPs to Ethereum, which are then verified by Ethereum smart contracts. Therefore, the transaction finality on a zkLink Nexus L3 rollup is ultimately achieved on Ethereum, which is widely recognized for its security guarantees. This is why we’re called a multi-chain ZK-Rollup.

How does zkLink simplify the user trading experience?

zkLink offers interoperability by facilitating seamless token transfers across different blockchains and ZK-Rollup Layer 2s, eliminating the need for users to navigate complex processes when trading on multiple platforms. zkLink also provides a unified platform that aggregates liquidity from various chains, allowing users to access broader pools of liquidity and engage in more efficient trading experiences without worrying about slippage.

Value Proposition of zkLink & Metis integration

  1. Multi-Chain Interoperability
    dApps developed on zkLink’s TS-zkVM or future TS-zkEVM will be able to seamlessly transact on Metis, leveraging assets from any other integrated chains on zkLink.

  2. Lower Costs
    zkLink creates liquidity pools on every integrated chain. For regular token deposits and withdrawals, zkLink optimizes costs by executing orders in batches, resulting in significantly lower withdrawal costs per transaction. This cost-efficiency enhances the overall economic attractiveness of utilizing Metis and zkLink for decentralized trading.

Previous Work & Key Metrics

  1. The Dunkirk Test: the crypto industry’s first-ever emergency shutdown and user asset recovery test
    a. 71,050 Addresses claimed faucet
    b. 50,504 Performed asset recovery
    c. 329,400 Total Transactions
    d. 110,000+ zero-knowledge proofs were generated
  2. zkLink Nexus: the first ever cross-rollup Layer 3 solution launch
  3. zkLink Pioneer Program - a incentive program for community members to build and contribute to the zkLink ecosystem through free marketing efforts
  4. Community Growth:
    a. 90+ Strategic Partnerships
    b. 16 Integrated Networks
    c. 2M+ Alpha Mainnet Txns
    d. 3 Ecosystem Dapps
    e. 52K+ Blocks Created
    f. 220K Mainnet Unique Wallet Addresses
    7. 500K+ Testnet Unique Wallet Addresses

Very interesting proposition, zk.Link! Your project sounds appealing to me as a Metis investor as it further advances interoperability for the ecosystem. I have a few questions.

  1. Your proposal states that zk.Link works with zkRollups. Metis is currently an Optimistic rollup so will zk.Link currently operate with Metis as it is now until it implements ZKPs into its system?

  2. Devs have an easier time building dApps on EVM equivalent chains like Metis. Building on ZK infrastructure is not as attractive as it presents far more complexity. Can you please describe the experience a builder would have who wants to integrate Nexus or any of the zk.Link ecosystem? Is zk complexity abstracted?

  3. Lastly, for devs who want to build a dApp through zk.Link but have their project native to Metis, how does it work? Do devs build their project on zk.Link or Metis? Please provide more detail on this.

Thank you!

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Hi thank you for your questions! These are definitely valid points for Metis users to consider before our collaborations.

To answer your question, zkLink’s layer3 rollup infrastructure includes Nexus and Origin, while Nexus focuses on Ethereum zk layer2s, Origin is connected to Ethereum rollups (both zk and optimistic) and EVM-compatible Alt L1s. By integrating with Metis, any project that uses zkLink’s Layer3 Origin API will be able to connect to Metis instantly.

The zkLink Validator is responsible for receiving and processing transactions from the DApp, and checking whether the transactions comply with the rules defined by the Circuit. The Validator is also responsible for organizing the Prover to generate a zk-proof and submit the zk-proof to the zkLink Contract. When in development, developers do not need to care about the details of how the Validator operates, instead, they only need to refer to the SDK provided by zkLink in order to quickly integrate the services provided by the Validator. So yes, zk complexity is 100% abstracted with zkLink.

Lastly, zklink provides app-specific and general purpose rollup solutions for developers so if they want to build through zkLink and customize the dApp to Metis ’s specifications first, we can help them do so. Also, the developer doesn’t need to make a “zkLink OR Metis” decision. If the dApps want to stay on Metis, but use zkLink in some other scenarios such as cross-chain swapping or liquidity aggregating, we can support them too.

Hope this helps!

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Hello there, excellent proposal, and I like how ZkLink is implementing multi-chain interoperability, lowering costs of trading, and empowering decentralised trading products using ZK applications.

Quick questions:

Can you outline your roadmap for integrating ZkLink into Metis if your project is approved in the CEG poll?

Also, have you previously undertaken a security audit? Kindly share.

Please include your website links and social media handles so we can learn more about your platform.

Thank you.

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Thank you for your questions!

for zkLink x Metis Post integration roadmap:

  1. zkLink will conduct a community AMA regarding Metis integration
  2. zkLink will launch celebration campaigns with Metis ecosystem projects
  3. zkLink Ecosystem projects will be natively connected to Metis
  4. zkLink will set up trading rewards for Metis ecosystem dexes

Additional Links:
Security audit: Audits - zkLink Protocol Docs