Ecosystem Proposal: Ormi - Bringing Ultra Low Latency and Reliable Data Indexing to Metis


Indexing and fetching on-chain data with low latency and reliability are critical components for any thriving blockchain ecosystem. Ormi aims to offer these solutions to the Metis ecosystem, enabling developers to query and fetch data efficiently and reliably.

Ormi has already established a commercial agreement with Metis, maintaining the dedicated Subgraph hosting environment at for the Metis ecosystem. This environment aggregates all Metis-related Subgraphs in one UI and benefits from dedicated server capacity on our side, ensuring reliability and performance. This setup allows the ecosystem to front the cost of hosting for Metis dApps, ensuring that developers can focus on building without worrying about infrastructure.

Ormi is committed to continuing this effort, providing the Metis ecosystem with the best indexing available. This will ultimately benefit end-users of dApps by offering the best experience possible.


Key Features

  • High Availability**: Deploy subgraphs with 99.9%+ availability.
  • Enhanced Speed**: Fetch smart contract data at 3x the speed.
  • Full Compatibility**: 100% spec-compliant with every subgraph on The Graph’s hosted and decentralized networks.
  • Transition Support**: Continues to support hosted subgraphs as The Graph transitions to a decentralized network.
  • Customizable Subgraphs**: Open-source solutions for indexing and accessing real-time blockchain data through GraphQL APIs.
  • Zero-Hassle Hosting**: Fully compliant with The Graph Protocol’s hosted and decentralized networks, minus the lag and downtime.
  • Easy Deployment**: Plug-and-play deployment and subgraph migration from hosted services.
  • Familiar Tooling and UI**: Use the same tooling, UI, and CLI as The Graph without the need to run any nodes or infrastructure.
  • Wide Network Support**: Supports multiple networks including Ethereum, Arbitrum-One, Base, BNB, Cronos, Fantom, Gnosis, Linea, Manta, Mantle, Metis, Optimism, Polygon zkEVM, Sei, Tron, X Layer, and various testnets such as Sepolia and Goerli.
  • On-Demand Network Availability**: Additional networks available on request, such as Artela Testnet, Public Goods Network, and zkSync.
  • Dedicated Server Capacity**: Ensures reliability and performance for hosted subgraphs.
  • Developer Focus**: Allows developers to query subgraphs without maintaining their own nodes or infrastructure.

Value Proposition

Ormi and its 0xgraph dedicated indexing environment will enable and empower Metis developers to focus on delivering user-friendly and enhanced experiences for their dApp users, without the hassle of managing indexing. Additionally, with Ormi’s extensive user base of dApps and protocols, we have the capability to onboard new dApps to the Metis ecosystem by offering this dedicated environment.


  • Q3 2024: Implement dynamic fee mechanism which will allow dapps a more fluid self serve solution with and more clear pricing model.
  • Q4 2024: Enhanced Log Search and Debugging feature, allowing users to efficiently search for specific log entries. This feature goes beyond the current tailing logs and limited browser search capabilities by providing robust search functionality. Users can now easily debug indexing issues with advanced search options, improving the overall debugging experience and streamlining problem resolution.
  • Q2 2025: Advanced analytics capabilities to enhance 0xgraph Subgraph Hosting. This new feature includes the Subgraph Analyzer and AI Studio, empowering users with sophisticated analytics and custom dashboard creation.


Ormi is poised to drive mass adoption in the Metis ecosystem with a powerful and comprehensive suite of indexing solutions, empowering developers with fast and reliable data infrastructure.


  • General:
  • CEO:
  • CGO:

Fetching smart contract data at 3x the speed is impressive. Can you share benchmarks or case studies that demonstrate this performance improvement in real-world applications?

More dApps will be coming to Metis real soon and Ormi will be positioned to make devs execute innovative ideas on chain with those features.

Goodluck in the pool.