Endless web worlds - an endless metaverse onchain


:rosette:Welcome endless web worlds :rosette:


An endless metaverse onchan.

EWW is a 2D isometric online builder game :hammer_and_pick: where participants can fully enjoy creative features like:

  • Building blocks and tiles
  • Create worlds
  • Sell builder spots and warps
  • Place NFTs
  • Customize their avatar
  • Beat mobs and earn
    … and many more

!Every placed object or tile is onchain which triggers a tx!

In EWW every world is connected through a gate, so unlike our universe you can go to a world frictionless.


You can meet and greet other players online and can have a dinner with them

Goal 2022 :checkered_flag:
Our engine is 90% finished only bugs and features remain →

Stable alpha with the features :

  • A mainland
  • Mainnet
  • Feature : Sell builder spots and warps
  • Feature : Place NFTs

Our goal for 2022 is to have at least 500 objects placed and 30 worlds placed in the metis mainnet

About us :busts_in_silhouette:
EWW is currently privately created by one developer (me) and a pixel artist in our free time.

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