Introduction to Swing and Galaxy Exchange

:handshake: Quick Overview on

Swing is the go-to platform for DEX liquidity and bridge aggregation, spanning over 52 EVM and non-EVM chains.

Swing supports major blockchains like Ethereum, Bitcoin, Solana, Cosmos, and EVM/L2/non-EVM chains like Arbitrum, Blast, zksync. It integrates with over 12 cross-chain bridges and 100+ DEXes, staking protocols and liquidity vaults.

Liquidity sources include 12 cross-chain bridges, 100+ DEXes/Aggregators, staking protocols and vaults.

:gear:Customer Use cases via API, SDK, Widget:
:white_small_square: Single-chain swaps for any token to any token on 52+ blockchains
:white_small_square: Cross-chain swaps for any token to any token on 52+ blockchains
:white_small_square: Best in class: 1-click liquidity deposits and staking experiences (powering teams like, SharedStake, StakingCabin, Metapool and many more)

:iphone:Swing B2C swaps app:

:money_with_wings: Backers
Raised $9M from Republic Capital, Arrington Capital, Hashkey Capital, SevenX Ventures, DFG, MorningStar Ventures, Avalanche Ecosystem Fund, Ascensive Assets.

:1st_place_medal:The Team and Developer Background
:white_small_square:Founder/CEO: Viveik Vivekananthan (Viveik V. - Swing Finance | LinkedIn) | Ex-Apple, Blackberry
:white_small_square:Leadership Team: Amazon, Oracle, LinkedIn, IBM

:mag:Useful links:
:white_small_square:Homepage: (
:white_small_square:Twitter: (
:white_small_square:Audits: (Contract Audits - Swing Documentation)
:white_small_square:Supported Chains, Bridges, DEXes:

What is Galaxy Exchange?

Galaxy Exchange by Swing provides instant access to cross-chain liquidity from over 100 blockchains, bridges, and liquidity aggregators. It enables users to perform non-custodial token swaps and bridging for a wide range of crypto assets, allowing seamless transactions from any token to any token, regardless of the underlying blockchain.

Try here: Galaxy Exchange | Galaxy Exchange

What value do we add to the Metis ecosystem?

We bring two-fold value for the Metis ecosystem:

1.) Web3 teams and developers building on the Metis ecosystem who are looking to add cross-chain functionality to their dApp can simply tap into vast pool of cross-chain liquidity by simply integration Swing.

2.) End users who are looking to move their assets from other ecosystem to Metis can do so by simply using Galaxy Exchange and move their assets with 1-click.

Bridge/Swap from Ethereum, Arbitrum, Base. BSC, Optimism, Polygon, Scroll to Metis in 1-click.

Read your proposal, can you answer a quick one? :point_down:

  1. Swing’s integration with over 12 cross-chain bridges and 100+ DEXes enable seamless cross-chain swaps has what advantages for developers and end users in the Metis ecosystem?

  2. In what ways does Galaxy Exchange by Swing facilitate non-custodial token swaps and bridging across 52+ blockchains, and how does this platform enhance the liquidity and accessibility of the Metis ecosystem for both developers and users?