McMetis - New Coin on Andromeda

Summary -

McMetis is a simple rewards token with a flexible and adaptable roadmap, created by a prominent and trusted member of the Andromeda Space Explorers Telegram: Contact @Metis_SpaceExplorers telegram channel, the lead developer (RoryLFC) is freely available.

Website and Audit -

Whilst audits are planned, McMetis are building funds to add utility, bring new investors on board through marketing and develop NFT’s, McMetis believe this is essential to establish a base and retain the interest of initial investors, there is currently a percentage of development funds being put aside with view to paying for a trusted audit. The McMetis website can be found at

Features - As previously mentioned, McMetis has an adaptable roadmap and are moving down the NFT road, current active features include a dashboard McMetis Dashboard and Tethys rewards (set at 9%).

Utility - Current utility is primarily the rewards. The McMetis NFT range will provide a usable digital product for holders.