Metis Grants FAQ

FAQ for Metis Ecosystem Grants and Community Governance

Here you can find the answers to your questions. If you don’t find the answer you need, please reach out to Metis Grants Support chat: Telegram: Contact @metis_grants.

Questions in this topic will be updated as they come in and based on their frequency

1. Can I apply for a MetisFest event to receive a grant through Thrive?

  • Yes, you can apply for a grant through Thrive, especially if it’s a non-profit event. While it might be a stretch, theoretically, partial reimbursement for events like MetisFest could be possible under the Marketing category of Thrive grants.

2. What are the categories for Thrive grants?

  • Thrive grants are distributed across four main categories:
    1. Acquisition: Incentivizing existing projects from other chains to migrate to Metis.
    2. Innovation: Supporting the development of new projects on Metis.
    3. Scale: Encouraging the usage and growth of existing projects on Metis.
    4. Marketing: Supporting KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders) and SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) in promoting projects on Metis.

3. How much funding is available through Thrive grants?

  • Soon

4. Can Thrive grants be used to fund community events like Startathon?

  • No, Thrive grants are not meant to fund events directly. Instead, events like Startathon should drive builders into the Thrive grants flow, helping projects qualify for grants based on their contributions to the Metis ecosystem.

5. How should I promote a project during a Gitcoin grant round?

  • Promotion during Gitcoin rounds should be collaborative, not competitive. Effective strategies include:
    • Highlighting multiple projects within a theme (e.g., LSTs, memes).
    • Sharing threads about these projects rather than focusing on a single project.
    • Hosting shill spaces to raise awareness.

6. Can NFT projects apply for Metis Gitcoin grants?

  • Yes, NFT projects are eligible for Metis Gitcoin grants. The specific eligibility criteria will be posted on the Metis forum.

7. How do Gitcoin grants fit into the larger Metis grant system?

  • Gitcoin grants help projects activate their communities and generate evidence of their ability to do so. This supports their readiness for larger grants and eventually investment opportunities.

8. How should the promotion for Gitcoin and Startathon be coordinated?

  • Coordination is crucial, especially since the timelines for Gitcoin and Startathon may overlap. The Thrive contribution pathways need to be clearly defined, and the promotion should be sequenced to avoid confusion between the two events.

9. Can a project participate in both Gitcoin and Startathon?

  • Absolutely! Projects are encouraged to participate in both. Gitcoin grants and Startathon are complementary, with Gitcoin focusing on community contributions and Startathon on meeting specific milestones.

10. Where can I find more information and resources about Gitcoin rounds?

  • You can explore various Gitcoin-related resources, including round reports and success stories, to understand how Gitcoin rounds have been successfully implemented in other ecosystems. Links to these resources are often shared within the Metis community and on platforms like Loom for detailed walkthroughs.