Netswap Protocol


Netswap is the first ever native layer 2 decentralized exchange (DEX) which runs on Metis Andromeda, uses the same automated market-making (AMM) model as Uniswap, features a native governance token called NETT that is fully community distributed and is capable of trading all tokens issued on Ethereum and Metis Andromeda. In a crowded marketplace with multiple contenders, Netswap offers four critically important benefits: fast and cheap trades , built-in leverage swap function , community-driven development , and a fair and open token distribution, making it one of the most exciting and versatile DeFi projects anywhere in blockchain. Netswap has bragging rights of being unique as it is the only DEX with it’s own launchpad.

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:globe_with_meridians: Features

:white_check_mark: Swap
:white_check_mark: Pool
:white_check_mark: Leverage Swap
:white_check_mark: Farm
:white_check_mark: Stake
:white_check_mark: Launchpad

Brief Functionalities of the Netswap Exchange

:arrows_counterclockwise: Swap
Swap tokens with fast finality and low transaction fees on Metis Andromeda. [more]
Swap tokens here β†’

:ocean: Pool
Providing liquidity and earn 0.25% swap fee on all trades proportional to the share of the pool. [more]
Add liquidity here β†’

:beverage_box:Leverage Swap
Leverage swap tokens with fast finality and low transaction fees on Metis Andromeda. [more]

Also known as liquidity mining, stake your NLP tokens and earn NETT rewards. [more]
Farming NETT is coming soon.

:sushi: Stake
Single staking your NETT token to earn Metis and other incentives in the future. [more]
Staking NETT is coming soon.

:coin: Governance Token

$NETT is the governance token for