RetroBridge <> Metis Integration & Co-Marketing (CVP Proposal)

About RetroBridge
RetroBridge is an advanced cross-chain bridging solution designed to streamline the process of transferring assets across different blockchain networks.

Our approach utilizes concentrated liquidity pools within our dedicated address storages on each blockchain. This innovative strategy enables us to bypass the traditional reliance on smart contracts, a move that significantly enhances efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Value Proposition
By supporting multiple chains, we can offer users the opportunity to seamlessly transfer assets from various EVM chains to the Metis ecosystem. This will not only increase the user base but also boost the Total Value Locked (TVL) of the ecosystem.

Competitive Edge

  • Seamless Networks Integration: Retro Bridge advanced infrastructure is designed for swift integration of new blockchains, continually expanding its bridging ecosystem and staying ahead in blockchain technology.

  • EVM Network Support: The platform extends its support beyond Ethereum and its Layer 2 solutions, encompassing a wide range of EVM-compatible networks and their Layer 2 solutions for greater flexibility and choice.

  • Non-EVM Network Support: In its nearest updates, Retro Bridge will include support for popular non-EVM networks, broadening its reach and enabling users to navigate diverse blockchain ecosystems more efficiently.

  • Stable Fees: With a commitment to transparency and affordability, Retro Bridge maintains a consistent bridging fee of $2.50, ensuring that this cost remains stable regardless of network congestion or the bridging amount.

  • SDK & API: Retro Bridge offers a comprehensive Software Development Kit (SDK) and API, providing businesses, institutions, and platforms with advanced tools for automating their bridging operations.

  • Cross-Chain Swaps: Looking ahead, Retro Bridge is set to launch a cross-chain swap infrastructure, allowing users to conveniently swap Ethereum, native blockchain assets, and stablecoins between EVM and non-EVM blockchains, thus enhancing the overall cross-chain experience.

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What is the main value proposition of RetroBridge for users transferring assets across different blockchain networks?

GM Retrobridge. I joined the space yesterday where you spoke on X, so I have no more questions at this time. It would be great to have more bridging options on Metis so goodluck in the polls guys👍

Welcome on CEG, Retro Bridge!

We’ve seen different bridges with high fees and delay transactions but I’m pleased to know you offer users a consistent bridging fee of $2.50. Also,

i. Do you have any incentive plan for your loyal users?

ii. What are the advantages in terms of network and function integration?