Sequencer Proposal: RockLogic GmbH (Stereum)

Executive Summary

Since 2020, we’ve helped businesses optimize their node operations with expert setup, maintenance, and consulting services. Our team stays current on the latest technologies to ensure your operations remain efficient and secure.

  1. Stereum: As the premier choice for establishing and managing an Ethereum node effortlessly, boasting compatibility with five execution clients, five consensus clients, and a diverse array of monitoring tools. For optimal control, easily deploy self-hosted RPC/API endpoints directly through Stereum. Additionally, it has undergone rigorous scrutiny with two security audits. Check out for details here:

  2. Lido: We are actively engaged as a Lido curated node operator, responsible for overseeing 8900 keys. We are part of Lido Obol Clusters and our commitment extends further as we eagerly anticipate our forthcoming participation in Lido SSV mainnet clusters. These endeavors reflect our dedication to fostering collaborative relationships with the community, customers, and partners alike.

  1. Our node operations infrastructure spans over 3 different data centers, in and around Vienna, Austria ensuring redundancy. We run on bare metal, using virtualization technology we achieve seamless hardware maintenance without downtime for our nodes.

Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

We believe effective operations relies on both open communication and swift problem solving, to deliver this we prioritize:

  • Open Reporting: Regularly sharing performance metrics fosters trust.

  • Dedicated Team: Experts are always available to address unexpected challenges and work collaboratively towards resolutions.

  • Continuous Improvement: We proactively identify and implement strategies to optimize stability and reliability.


    • We maintain a minimum of 99.9% uptime, our partnership with data centers ensures infrastructure robustness.
    • Active and passive monitoring with an alert system for hardware, software, blockchain ensures rapid response.
    • Support Channels: Metis Forums, Discord, Telegram, Email, Virtual meetings.
    • Stakeholder metrics to identify the key player and we prioritize open communication.

Benefits for Community

  • In pursuit of bolstering system stability, we prioritize client diversity within our operations. Our strategy revolves around the utilization of non-majority clients, aiming to mitigate potential risks and ensure a robust and resilient network.
  • Stereum has proven to be a valuable tool in simplifying the setup and maintenance of the Ethereum nodes. Its user-friendly interface and streamlined process makes it a valuable asset for anyone to engage with Ethereum network.
  • We actively engage in collaborative efforts with teams to address software issues, including bug discovery and resolution. By fostering open communication channels and proactive problem-solving approaches, we strive to maintain a seamless operational environment, ensuring that any identified issues are promptly rectified through mutual cooperation and expertise-sharing among stakeholders

Official Links: Website, Docs, Audits, etc.


Thank you for considering our proposal for Decentralized Sequencers. Hope we get opportunity to work together in the future. Wishing you all the best towards a successful implementation on this!